Liberty League - Can You Really Make Money?
Looking for the perfect home business always takes time, energy, and a lot of patience.
I'm here to guide you with your decision making process to see if Liberty League is the right place for you.
Liberty League has a couple of other names that it goes by.
Liberty League International is their long name and LLI is their short abbreviated name.
The company is based out of Scottsdale, AZ.
Beautiful place but way too hot many times of the year.
Liberty League offers products that deal with personal development.
They focus on changing your mindset and help you to get rid of many of your old habits.
There first and main product is called Beyond Freedom.
Beyond Freedom is a 90-day program that consists of a journal, 3 audio CD's, a video, and a few other things like a pen, notepad, and rubber bracelet.
This course is a self-guided tour that helps you change your way of thinking and better your life.
When you get ready to join Liberty League you will have two options.
You can simply become a member for $49.
Let me first mention though that if you do this you will have to pass up your first five sales to your sponsor.
We'll get into this more shortly Option two for joining Liberty League is that you buy there Personal Development Product Beyond Freedom and then you will only have to pass up your first two sales to your sponsor.
This option is better but you're going to have to spend $1495 for the Beyond Freedom program.
Liberty league has a compensation plan that starts out as a 2-up program.
This simply means that the money you make off of your first two sales gets passed over to your sponsor.
The disadvantage of a 2 up program is other than the fact that you just passed up your first two sales to your sponsor, you break way from them once you have passed up your sales and are now in direct competition with them.
Once you have gone and passed up your first two sales to your Liberty League Sponsor you can finally start to make money with the company.
So we now know it's going to cost us about $3500 before we can then make any money with Liberty League.
This comes from the two sales we passed up and the purchase of the Beyond Freedom program combined.
Now Liberty League does offer two more products that as a member you can sell but here are the conditions.
You first must purchase these products yourself and then you must pass up your first four sales for each of these other products.
The two other products are the Liberty League Conference and the Summit Conference.
These are fancy and lavish conferences that Liberty League holds at beautiful resorts around the world.
The price of each Conference is quite high.
The Liberty Conference is $7,995 and the Summit Conference is $12,995.
Liberty League claims that if you compare these prices to other conferences you will see that there price is better.
Personally it doesn't matter what they say this is still a great deal of money here.
As a whole I personally would not recommend Liberty League for a home based business.
I do think that the idea of using personal development for their products is a great idea.
However you can get these personal development products for only a fraction of the cost that Liberty League charges for them.
Also the fact that the company seems out of date and uses the old fashion 2-Up and 4-Up compensation program makes it hard to want to devote my time and money to a company like this.
Can you make money with Liberty League.
I just don't believe Liberty League is the best choice out there for people to have the best chance at making money online with.
I'm here to guide you with your decision making process to see if Liberty League is the right place for you.
Liberty League has a couple of other names that it goes by.
Liberty League International is their long name and LLI is their short abbreviated name.
The company is based out of Scottsdale, AZ.
Beautiful place but way too hot many times of the year.
Liberty League offers products that deal with personal development.
They focus on changing your mindset and help you to get rid of many of your old habits.
There first and main product is called Beyond Freedom.
Beyond Freedom is a 90-day program that consists of a journal, 3 audio CD's, a video, and a few other things like a pen, notepad, and rubber bracelet.
This course is a self-guided tour that helps you change your way of thinking and better your life.
When you get ready to join Liberty League you will have two options.
You can simply become a member for $49.
Let me first mention though that if you do this you will have to pass up your first five sales to your sponsor.
We'll get into this more shortly Option two for joining Liberty League is that you buy there Personal Development Product Beyond Freedom and then you will only have to pass up your first two sales to your sponsor.
This option is better but you're going to have to spend $1495 for the Beyond Freedom program.
Liberty league has a compensation plan that starts out as a 2-up program.
This simply means that the money you make off of your first two sales gets passed over to your sponsor.
The disadvantage of a 2 up program is other than the fact that you just passed up your first two sales to your sponsor, you break way from them once you have passed up your sales and are now in direct competition with them.
Once you have gone and passed up your first two sales to your Liberty League Sponsor you can finally start to make money with the company.
So we now know it's going to cost us about $3500 before we can then make any money with Liberty League.
This comes from the two sales we passed up and the purchase of the Beyond Freedom program combined.
Now Liberty League does offer two more products that as a member you can sell but here are the conditions.
You first must purchase these products yourself and then you must pass up your first four sales for each of these other products.
The two other products are the Liberty League Conference and the Summit Conference.
These are fancy and lavish conferences that Liberty League holds at beautiful resorts around the world.
The price of each Conference is quite high.
The Liberty Conference is $7,995 and the Summit Conference is $12,995.
Liberty League claims that if you compare these prices to other conferences you will see that there price is better.
Personally it doesn't matter what they say this is still a great deal of money here.
As a whole I personally would not recommend Liberty League for a home based business.
I do think that the idea of using personal development for their products is a great idea.
However you can get these personal development products for only a fraction of the cost that Liberty League charges for them.
Also the fact that the company seems out of date and uses the old fashion 2-Up and 4-Up compensation program makes it hard to want to devote my time and money to a company like this.
Can you make money with Liberty League.
I just don't believe Liberty League is the best choice out there for people to have the best chance at making money online with.