Metal Gear 2 - Solid Snake
Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake was available in 1990 and was the sequel to the original Metal Gear.
The game takes place in 1999 as the Cold War was waning, and the threat at Outer Heaven was neutralized by Snake (who has retired from Foxhound).
Notwithstanding this, another discord has come to the forefront.
This time around, it entails oil.
Oil was being exhausted at an alarming rate, and there seemed to be no solution.
However, a scientist named Dr.
Kio Marv might have an adequate replacement.
He develops something called Oilix and hopes this will one day supersede the necessity for oil.
Kio demonstrated Oilix at a conference in Prague and was headed towards America to deliver the message.
As he departed from Prague to America, he was taken hostage by terrorists from Zanzibar Land.
The terrorists planned on eliminating the supply of oil being distributed utilizing a plethora of nuclear weapons.
This is where the protagonist Solid Snake enters the picture.
Foxhound's new squad leader (Roy Campbell) implores Snake to rescue Dr.
Kio Marv and eradicate the terrorist threat.
Snake complies to Roy's request and travels to Zanzibar Land.
Upon Snake's arrival to Zanzibar Land, he notices the creator of the first Metal Gear from the previous game (Dr.
Drago Pettrovich Madnar).
Drago tells Snake that he was coerced into making another Metal Gear and Big Boss is in charge.
Snake also learns that Gray Fox (former Foxhound Operative) is in control of Metal Gear, so Snake continues his mission by trying to rescue Dr.
Kio is finally found by Snake, but Kio is dead.
As Snake retrieves the Oilix, he is rudely interrupted by Dr.
It has come to Snake's attention that Dr.
Madnar intentionally worked on Metal Gear.
The engineer attempts to murder Snake, but fails miserably.
Gray Fox (who in the Metal Gear cockpit) encounters Snake, and Snake exterminates the mobile tank.
Moreover, Snake and Gray Fox duke it out, and Snake is triumphant.
After Gray Fox is out of the equation, the final one-on-one showdown with Big Boss transpires.
The persistent hero musters every ounce of strength in his body and ultimately vanquishes Big Boss.
The Oilix is safely returned to Roy Campbell and all is well.
The game takes place in 1999 as the Cold War was waning, and the threat at Outer Heaven was neutralized by Snake (who has retired from Foxhound).
Notwithstanding this, another discord has come to the forefront.
This time around, it entails oil.
Oil was being exhausted at an alarming rate, and there seemed to be no solution.
However, a scientist named Dr.
Kio Marv might have an adequate replacement.
He develops something called Oilix and hopes this will one day supersede the necessity for oil.
Kio demonstrated Oilix at a conference in Prague and was headed towards America to deliver the message.
As he departed from Prague to America, he was taken hostage by terrorists from Zanzibar Land.
The terrorists planned on eliminating the supply of oil being distributed utilizing a plethora of nuclear weapons.
This is where the protagonist Solid Snake enters the picture.
Foxhound's new squad leader (Roy Campbell) implores Snake to rescue Dr.
Kio Marv and eradicate the terrorist threat.
Snake complies to Roy's request and travels to Zanzibar Land.
Upon Snake's arrival to Zanzibar Land, he notices the creator of the first Metal Gear from the previous game (Dr.
Drago Pettrovich Madnar).
Drago tells Snake that he was coerced into making another Metal Gear and Big Boss is in charge.
Snake also learns that Gray Fox (former Foxhound Operative) is in control of Metal Gear, so Snake continues his mission by trying to rescue Dr.
Kio is finally found by Snake, but Kio is dead.
As Snake retrieves the Oilix, he is rudely interrupted by Dr.
It has come to Snake's attention that Dr.
Madnar intentionally worked on Metal Gear.
The engineer attempts to murder Snake, but fails miserably.
Gray Fox (who in the Metal Gear cockpit) encounters Snake, and Snake exterminates the mobile tank.
Moreover, Snake and Gray Fox duke it out, and Snake is triumphant.
After Gray Fox is out of the equation, the final one-on-one showdown with Big Boss transpires.
The persistent hero musters every ounce of strength in his body and ultimately vanquishes Big Boss.
The Oilix is safely returned to Roy Campbell and all is well.