Ask a Qualified Doctor to Diagnose Proper Causes of Male Infertility
This condition stems from the deficiency of healthy sperm in semen which are able to travel to meet the ovum.
The quality of sperm can be determined by an analysis of the semen and other tests like blood tests and even a physical examination.
To now more about infertility Laurel, seek advice from a reputed doctor.
Causes of Male Infertility Various different factors can cause infertility.
To know the precise cause in your condition, ensure your visit a consultant of infertility in Laurel.
Testicular Factors Sperm production can decrease if the testicles get twisted, resulting in compromised blood supply.
This may happen when the testicles haven't descended and are still in the abdomen.
Lower sperm production can also be the result of damage from heat or exercise.
Saunas, hot baths and clothes like nylon briefs and tight jeans can affect sperm production as well.
Varicocele This is a swollen varicose vein which mostly occurs in the scrotum on the left side.
Blood gets accumulated in these testicular veins that are swollen and increases the temperature in the testicles, damaging sperm production.
Duct Blockage Infections like TB, filariasis and gonorrhea or surgery for hydrocele/hernia may result in the blocking of the channel between the penis and testicles.
In such cases, sperms could be absent from the semen.
Not many may be aware of it, but long term medication of certain drugs can also adversely affect sperm production.
Certain kinds of hormonal imbalance can also lead to male infertility.
An excessive intake of drugs and/or alcohol can reduce liver function and increase the levels of Estrogen, suppressing sperm production too.
Diagnosing the right cause will help treat infertility properly as well.
However, consult an experienced doctor in male infertility in Laurel for proper diagnosis and effective treatment.