Thirteen Symptoms Of Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that involves rapid change of mood conditions. As the name implies, "bi" means two or dual and "polar" connotes polarity. By application, this means that a person with symptoms of bipolar disorder tends to abruptly change polarities from extreme happiness down to severe sadness within a short time interval.
It Can Be Hard To Detect
Bipolar disorder is a serious problem. If a child has this illness at a young age and is left unattended, drastic symptoms of bipolar disorder may start to emerge at adolescence. Research indicates that the illness will not manifest immediately. It can take several years before signs of manic depression become obvious.
The life of a patient who is suffering from this mental disorder is often disrupted. He doesn't live a normal life. The list below shows the different signs as categorized by both mania or hypomania and depression.
When a bipolar patient experiences his or her highest manic state, any of these symptoms of bipolar disorder can be expected:
* The person will have a tendency to be overly optimistic and confident. This is the "nothing-can-stop-me-now" attitude.
* There is so much hyperactive energy and because of this, the person becomes restless. Sometimes the patient may seem to look very passionate about certain tasks.
* The person may not find the need to sleep. At this manic high state, the body may also prevent the patient from feeling tired.
* There is the tendency of the person to feel very important - the delusion of grandeur.
* The bipolar patient can be unreasonably annoying and aggressive to other people.
* The person tends to make impulsive judgments without rationalization.
* The patient becomes overly talkative as if he or she is racing against his or her thoughts.
In severe cases of manic disorder, patients may hallucinate. This in effect can become more difficult to determine the accuracy of a doctor's diagnosis.
The symptoms of the depressive state are the opposite of those for the manic phase:
* The patient becomes very pessimistic.
* When depression sets in, all the energy is lost.
* The bipolar patient may experience erratic sleep schedules and abnormal appetite.
* The confidence is lost and excessively low self-esteem takes over.
* The patient will tend to self-pity and induce guilt on self.
* The patient tends to develop suicidal tendencies.
Serious Consequences If Left Untreated
Many reported teenage suicides have traces of untreated bipolar disorder during childhood. As these mood swings pile up through the years, it eventually manifests. Adolescence is usually the age that symptoms of bipolar disorder take over.
Available Medications
There are many available medications for bipolar treatment. The treatment depends on the severity of the patient's disorder. For children who have tendencies of bipolar disorder, it is best to pay attention to their needs while they're still young.
Talk To Your Doctor
As a parent, the best thing you can do is give them love and attention. Otherwise, these bipolar symptoms can very well become destructive if parents are negligent. Always consult your health care professional if you have any concerns about this condition.
It Can Be Hard To Detect
Bipolar disorder is a serious problem. If a child has this illness at a young age and is left unattended, drastic symptoms of bipolar disorder may start to emerge at adolescence. Research indicates that the illness will not manifest immediately. It can take several years before signs of manic depression become obvious.
The life of a patient who is suffering from this mental disorder is often disrupted. He doesn't live a normal life. The list below shows the different signs as categorized by both mania or hypomania and depression.
When a bipolar patient experiences his or her highest manic state, any of these symptoms of bipolar disorder can be expected:
* The person will have a tendency to be overly optimistic and confident. This is the "nothing-can-stop-me-now" attitude.
* There is so much hyperactive energy and because of this, the person becomes restless. Sometimes the patient may seem to look very passionate about certain tasks.
* The person may not find the need to sleep. At this manic high state, the body may also prevent the patient from feeling tired.
* There is the tendency of the person to feel very important - the delusion of grandeur.
* The bipolar patient can be unreasonably annoying and aggressive to other people.
* The person tends to make impulsive judgments without rationalization.
* The patient becomes overly talkative as if he or she is racing against his or her thoughts.
In severe cases of manic disorder, patients may hallucinate. This in effect can become more difficult to determine the accuracy of a doctor's diagnosis.
The symptoms of the depressive state are the opposite of those for the manic phase:
* The patient becomes very pessimistic.
* When depression sets in, all the energy is lost.
* The bipolar patient may experience erratic sleep schedules and abnormal appetite.
* The confidence is lost and excessively low self-esteem takes over.
* The patient will tend to self-pity and induce guilt on self.
* The patient tends to develop suicidal tendencies.
Serious Consequences If Left Untreated
Many reported teenage suicides have traces of untreated bipolar disorder during childhood. As these mood swings pile up through the years, it eventually manifests. Adolescence is usually the age that symptoms of bipolar disorder take over.
Available Medications
There are many available medications for bipolar treatment. The treatment depends on the severity of the patient's disorder. For children who have tendencies of bipolar disorder, it is best to pay attention to their needs while they're still young.
Talk To Your Doctor
As a parent, the best thing you can do is give them love and attention. Otherwise, these bipolar symptoms can very well become destructive if parents are negligent. Always consult your health care professional if you have any concerns about this condition.