Improve your Mood and Memory, Naturally!
But maybe you didn't know that it contains over one hundred billion nerve cells and every second of our lives, it forms one million new connections.
100% of our brain is used.
It weighs 3 pounds.
25% of the body's nutrients are consumed by the brain.
5 pints of blood move through the brain ever minute.
There are over 100,000 miles of blood vessels, capillaries, and other transport systems in the brain, 100 Billion neurons, resulting in over 1 quadrillion connections.
I'd never heard the number "quadrillion" until I started studying the brain.
Now let's look at the brain through the years, starting at gestation...
at certain times while you were in your momma's belly, 250,000 neurons were being added each minute.
By age 6, your brain was 95% of its adult weight.
When you were just about old enough to get your driver's license, your brain was fully grown, however the "wiring" was still in progress.
If you have kids, you probably already knew the "wiring" wasn't quite finished.
Your brain reaches adulthood when you're in your 20's & your peak brain power is between 22-27.
By age 80, our brains start to shrink, which leads to memory loss, and declining overall cognitive abilities.
The temporal lobe is a very small section of the brain, but plays a very vital role.
To keep your memory intact for as long as possible and feel healthy & happy, work towards the following: EXERCISE regularly...
even a 45 minute walk per day, 3 times per week will do your brain and your body a lot of good.
Get plenty of rest...
at least 8 hours per night & you may prevent memory loss.
Become a life-long learner to keep your brain active.
Eat a balanced diet, don't smoke, and maintain healthy cholesterol levels.
Reduce STRESS...
it leads to the release of a hormone that wears away some of the neurons.
And maintain healthy blood pressure, as hypertension speeds up brain shrinkage and cognitive abilities.
Think for a minute...
do you know someone with Alzheimer's? If you do, you know how frustrating it is for the person suffering and their loved ones.
Did you know that more than 5 million Americans suffer with this awful disease? Memory diseases, as a whole, costs $148 billion annually.
And, 18.
8 million Americans suffer with a depressive disorder.
Writing this research made me think about my grandmother.
I am proud to report that she made the list of American Centenarians.
Yes, she was 100 years old as of Sept.
12, 2013.
Unfortunately, she has suffered with severe Alzheimer's for the last 10 years.
But for those 90 years, she was a woman ahead of her time.
She graduated with a master's degree in education in the 30's, taught school and raised a family.
But, although her occupation was not health & wellness, it always seemed she just knew what to do to be healthy and active and she did it! Knowing is great, but actually doing it is the hard part.
My granny did it.
At 85 years old, she was still walking 5 miles a day, eating tuna, beans, and vegetables daily, reading every night, drinking lots of water, and taking vitamins and supplements regularly.
Granny figured out a lot of natural remedies on her own, let's add to her list.
For memory specifically, there's Acetyl-L-carnitine, Vitamin E, Ginseng, and Ginkgo Boloba.
For mood, there's Valerian, Lavender, B vitamins, Vitamin D, and St.
John's Wort.
However, there are two supplements that work for BOTH mood and memory.
Phosphatidylserine, which is a phospholipid component of our brain cellular structures, that when supplemented has shown improvements in memory and cognitive function and Omega 3 which is a group of three fatty acids: DHA, EPA, and ALA that strongly support metabolism in the body.
Intake of Omega 3 is associated with improved cardiovascular, metabolic, mental function, and has also been shown to improve markers of inflammation.
Your thoughts determine every aspect of your life.
Negative emotions and stress cause acidity in the body.
The more extreme the emotion, the more acidic the environment; stress, anger, fear, hate, depression, blame, etc.
Even positive emotions at an extreme level can be out of balance and create a physiological effect on the body's pH balance.
Because my specialization is on the Psychology side of Natural Health, it was important to me that we consider brain health, equal to the rest of the body...
because EVERYTHING (good or bad, positive or negative), starts in the brain! *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.