Suicide, Homicide Oft Follow Conflicts
Suicide, Homicide Oft Follow Conflicts
20% of Homicides and Suicides Are Preceded by Conflict With an Intimate Partner, CDC Report Shows
Identifying Risk continued...
But actual predictors are far more limited, Rudd says. Outward signs of depressiondepression -- including anger, withdrawal, increase in drug or alcohol use, or dramatic mood changes -- are more verifiably strong predictors of potential suicidal behavior.
Stronger still is any talk by a loved one that he or she is considering or planning self-harm. Up to 85% of all victims voice their plans to others before attempting suicide.
"There's still somewhat of a myth that people who talk about suicide don't commit suicide," says Rudd.
Homicide and Mugging
Thursday's study also showed that close to one-third of all homicides were preceded by another crime, usually mugging.
"Right there we have an interesting and addressable factor in preventing homicides. Lowering mugging rate could lower homicide rate," Barker says.