How to Vibrato on a Trumpet
- 1). Hold the trumpet in the horizontal position to your mouth with your left hand.
- 2). Place the left thumb between the first and the second valve casing located closest to your face and the index and middle fingers over the third valve casing.
- 3). Place the index, middle and ring fingers of your right hand on top of the first, second and third valves, respectively.
- 4). Position the trumpet in the correct "vibrato hand," or the right hand, while holding the trumpet in the left hand with a firm grip.
- 5). Play a straight tone by bending the fingertips of the vibrato hand and repeatedly moving them away from your face, then toward your face to establish evenness in pulsation.
- 6). Adjust the width of the vibrato hand's motion from your face to the bell of the trumpet. If you are playing a higher note, apply more thumb pressure while decreasing or shortening the width of the vibrato hand motion from your face to the bell.
- 7). Continue to play the straight tone as you practice, increasing the rate of the vibrato from quarter notes to eighth notes to triplets and sixteenth notes and decreasing the speed in reverse order.
- 1). Repeat Steps 1 through 4 as you position the trumpet to your mouth.
- 2). Play a straight tone by bending the fingertips of the right hand.
- 3). Move your jaw in a controlled downward and upward motion while sustaining the note. Use your mouth to form the syllables "yo yo yo" or "ya ya ya" while playing the note.
- 4). Continue to play the straight tone as you practice increasing the rate of the vibrato from quarter notes to eighth notes to triplets and sixteenth notes and decreasing the rate in reverse order.
- 1). Repeat Steps 1 through 4 as you position the trumpet to your mouth.
- 2). Play a straight tone by bending the fingertips of the right hand.
- 3). Open and close your lips as you say the syllable "woo woo woo" while increasing and decreasing the size of the "O" shape created by your mouth. This method creates a subtle vibrato that is more dynamic when played in the upper 1 1/2 octaves while holding the notes longer.
- 4). Continue to play the straight tone as you practice increasing the rate of the vibrato from quarter notes to eighth notes to triplets and sixteenth notes and decreasing the speed in reverse order.
- 1). Repeat Steps 1 through 4 to position the trumpet to your mouth.
- 2). Play a straight tone by bending the fingertips of the right hand.
- 3). Tighten your diaphragm, the muscles below your lungs. This varies the amount of air that moves through your lips. The technique of the diaphragm vibrato is similar to the lip vibrato as you continually intensify and relax the muscles.
- 4). Form the syllable "ah" with your mouth while tightening and relaxing the abdominal muscles as you breathe.
- 5). Continue to play the straight tone as you practice increasing the rate of the vibrato from quarter notes to eighth notes to triplets and sixteenth notes and decreasing the rate in reverse order.
Hand Vibrato
Jaw Vibrato
Lip Vibrato
Diaghram Vibrato