Treatments for Hair Loss and Hair Growth
The reality however is not quite as bleak as these commercials make it out to be, for which we can be very thankful since if we believed them and decided to fall for the hype, we would rush out and buy every product we see, which would be disastrous for our hair, pocket and bathroom shelves! Hair loss treatments are an important issue for a lot of people and are a serious topic of concern and conversation, along with hair growth and hair fall solutions.
One of the effects of aging is a marked increase in the rate at which our hair starts to fall out, although there is no fixed age at which this becomes more prominent, with some people experiencing baldness in their teens- the famous swimmer Duncan Good hew being a prime example of this. Others will start to notice thinning hair or bald patches in their thirties or forties; whereas I know of some pensioners who still have a full head of hair. Men, generally tend to suffer more than women from this affliction which is probably a good thing since a bald man is a lot more attractive than a bald woman.
Hair loss treatment come in various forms with the most common being tonics to rub onto the affected areas or fortifying shampoos and conditioners. The truth is that there are very few treatments which will stop hair fall completely, only delay the process, and a lot of hair fall solutions are applied too late, or have side effects. The best way to ensure that you have strong, healthy and shiny hair is to massage your scalp and hair with a good quality hair oil such as jojoba hair oil or almond oil. A lot of the new shampoos available are now being advertised as including oil for helping with Hair growth.Hair oil also makes the individual strands of hair stronger, smoother and shinier.
Hair loss is also affected by your lifestyle and a big factor is stress, which can lead to hair fall and other scalp related problems. A poor diet which does not include most of the vitamins and nutrients required for healthy hair growth, is also to blame for hair loss as the scalp is weakened, causing the hair to either break or fall out, leading to a thinning head of hair.
Naturally it really deserve this much attention. But our much busy and polluted air it is becoming much tough for us to sustain our hairs as long as we want and as much healthy with growing.