Lose The Belly Fat!
Losing the last 5-10 pounds are always the hardest, especially when it comes to belly fat.
However, no matter if you have 5 pounds to lose or 25 pounds to get rid of, starving yourself simply won't get you where you want to be.
Combining the right portions of nutritious food along with daily exercise is where you'll win the battle.
Don't Starve Yourself Not eating will not solve your problems.
When you starve yourself, you starve your body of essential nutrients and the energy required to exercise.
Remove the urge to starve yourself from your thinking and commit to losing weight the healthy way.
Without the proper amount of food and calories, your body will go into starvation mode and burn fewer calories and fat.
Your body is just trying to keep functioning, rather than being able to aid in weight loss.
Small, Frequent Meals Eating small, frequent meals will help to keep your metabolism up.
Make sure that you are eating a small amount of protein with each meal as this will help to satisfy your hunger and aid in weight loss.
Why is Tummy Fat So Hard to Lose? So why is it so difficult to lose that fat around your belly? The truth is that 80% of the battle is fought in the kitchen with only 20% being won in the gym.
You can do all of the ab crunches in the world, but if you aren't dieting as well, you are unlikely to lose any belly fat.
This is because there is a layer of fat covering those finely toned abs that needs to be lost.
Do a moderate level of cardio workouts for 30-60 minutes on most days of the week, combined with your ab workouts.
Be consistent with your abdominal workouts, but remember that the abs are a muscle as well.
For this reason, they need a recovery period just like any other major muscle group in your body.
Begin a routine of working your abs 3-4 times per week, with a day of rest in between.
In closing, with the proper diet and mix of abdominal workouts, you can be well on your way to losing that stubborn belly fat.
Be persistent, don't give up, and you'll be happy with the end results.
However, no matter if you have 5 pounds to lose or 25 pounds to get rid of, starving yourself simply won't get you where you want to be.
Combining the right portions of nutritious food along with daily exercise is where you'll win the battle.
Don't Starve Yourself Not eating will not solve your problems.
When you starve yourself, you starve your body of essential nutrients and the energy required to exercise.
Remove the urge to starve yourself from your thinking and commit to losing weight the healthy way.
Without the proper amount of food and calories, your body will go into starvation mode and burn fewer calories and fat.
Your body is just trying to keep functioning, rather than being able to aid in weight loss.
Small, Frequent Meals Eating small, frequent meals will help to keep your metabolism up.
Make sure that you are eating a small amount of protein with each meal as this will help to satisfy your hunger and aid in weight loss.
Why is Tummy Fat So Hard to Lose? So why is it so difficult to lose that fat around your belly? The truth is that 80% of the battle is fought in the kitchen with only 20% being won in the gym.
You can do all of the ab crunches in the world, but if you aren't dieting as well, you are unlikely to lose any belly fat.
This is because there is a layer of fat covering those finely toned abs that needs to be lost.
Do a moderate level of cardio workouts for 30-60 minutes on most days of the week, combined with your ab workouts.
Be consistent with your abdominal workouts, but remember that the abs are a muscle as well.
For this reason, they need a recovery period just like any other major muscle group in your body.
Begin a routine of working your abs 3-4 times per week, with a day of rest in between.
In closing, with the proper diet and mix of abdominal workouts, you can be well on your way to losing that stubborn belly fat.
Be persistent, don't give up, and you'll be happy with the end results.