Are You Looking For the Best Method of Enlarging Your Penis?
With the popularity of pornography, so many men are of the mindset that their penis is very small when in actually fact they have an average penis.
On the women side of the matter, although women generally agree that a big penis feels much better than a small or an average penis, they however agree that penis size is not everything that matters in having great sex.
No matter what a woman might say to console you the truth is if you have an average or small penis you would have to contend with a certain level of insecurity and low sexual confidence.
I am pretty sure you would agree with me that to a certain extent the smaller a man's penis is the lower his self confidence would be when it comes to sexual issues.
The moment a comment or joke about a man's small penis size is said, maybe by his friends or his sexual partner, such man begins to feel a little unhappy about his small penis size.
There was actually a time when feeling sad about your small penis size was only a male issue.
At such time the level of enlightenment and freedom that women had were sort of limited.
But now with way women rival men in all aspect of human life, it seems women are beginning to see the need for them to have satisfying sex.
What this means is beautiful and successful women see no reason why they should put up with a lover that has a small penis and ejaculates too quickly.
Aside from the demand by women for better sex, we men also want to be studs in bed.
Every man wishes he had a 9-inch penis and could last as long as an hour during sex.
But the truth is that not every man posses these abilities.
This is one reason why fraudulent merchants selling all sorts of penis enlargement products have swindled a large number of men of desperate men.
If you are biased about penis enlargement (maybe you were scammed by fraudulent merchants), you should be aware that penis enlargement is possible without having to undergo surgery.
Natural penis enlargements methods, which are: herbal penis enlargement pills and natural penis enlargement exercises have done wonders for various men in terms of their penis size and sexual stamina.
Herbal penis enlargement pills are penis growth stimulants.
They aid in penis growth by increasing blood flow to the genital area.
The increase in blood into the penis for a period of time causes the penile tissues to expand beyond their normal sizes.
This results in a slightly larger penis.
While natural penis enlargement works by manual stretching and expanding the penile tissues by forcing blood into the penis using your hands.
The basic penis exercises are jelqing and penile stretches.
Ancient Arabic and African tribes used these two natural penis enlargement exercises to increase the size of their manhood before marriage.
These two methods can be used individually but for best results you should combine these two methods.
The problem for most men who want to enlarge their penis is finding credible merchants where they can purchase quality herbal penis enlargement pills and natural penis enlargement exercises.
There are only a few merchants that actually sell quality products and you should ensure you only buy from them.