Big Brother 10 Recap -- Dan Wins!

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Finally the Finale!

The show starts with a few reminders of how The Renegades (Memphis and Dan) made it to the finale. We see Dan pretending to be weak, while Memphis flew quietly under the radar. All in all, Memphis and Dan were able to created dissention among the houseguests. They made a deal to take each other to the end. Although other alliances were formed, The Renegades managed to control every eviction, until Jerry made HOH among the final 5.

Memphis lied to Jerry and told him he’d take him to the end, but Jerry soon found out that Memphis was just as capable of lying as Dan. Dan won the last two HOH competitions, and the two of them got rid of Keesha and Jerry.
Seven evicted members make up the jury: Libra, Keesha, Jerry, Renny, Michelle, and Aprollie (April and Ollie). Dan and Memphis are all suited up and ready to plead their cases to the people they backstabbed, gossiped about and basically played. Like they joined the cast to do.

The jury waits to see who the 7th juror is. The ladies want Dan. Libra wants Jerry, saying he wasn’t the gingerly old man they thought. Keesha says they floated him along, as he shows up. They aren’t exactly glad to see him. He feels uneasy as he sits down. Jerry admits that The Renegades played them all to the hilt. Michelle and Keesha tell Jerry he should have put up Memphis and Dan. Jerry says Memphis didn’t keep his word. Renny and Jerry have words. They argue over everyone’s inability to send Memphis home.

Jerry says they need to figure out which one gets the money, not argue. Memphis is seen as someone who is very insensitive and conniving. Keesha calls Memphis cutthroat, while she says she still likes Dan and appreciates that he played the game well. Michelle says she would have respected him more if he’d told her why he put her up. April says Dan mocked Keesha, Ollie and Michelle in almost an embarrassing way. Libra says that Big Brother is not “Best Friend”, it’s about winning the money. Even Ollie realizes Dan played the game well, even lying to him. Michelle says Dan made a good decision about backstabbing Michelle and Ollie. Michelle tells Jerry about Dan taking her on the beach trip. Keesha thinks Dan played a better game while Memphis let Dan do all the dirty work. Jerry says Memphis showed strength maneuvering Dan and Keesha to get what he wanted. Keesha admits she did some of Memphis’ dirty work only to be stabbed in the back. (I am seriously distracted by April’s leather Lara Croft getup as I type.) April says Memphis played PEOPLE, and played a stronger game than Dan. Renny doesn’t agree.
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