Tax Code on Target to Exceed 100,000 Pages!
By law all federal tax matters and proposals can only originate in the House of Representatives.
The House Ways and Means committee is charged with this duty.
Most working American families feel like the word "ways" when used with this committee is shorthand for the ways the federal government can squeeze more revenue.
"Mean" is the attitude the government expects their collection agency( the IRS) to exhibit.
Fear is a tremendous motivator! For most of the past two years the chairman of the Ways and Means committee has been under investigation by the House ethics committee.
Their actions up to now have been confidential.
The chairman has spent in excess of $2 million dealing with the committee on ethics.
Uncommon sense would say they are looking into more than whether or not he has any ethics.
With a straitjacket restraining the chairman from full concentration on tax legislation other members of the Senate and House have jumped in to assist.
As deficits of collected revenue continue to rise it seems not only do these helpers have taxing ideas for working families, they are also emboldened to put revenue hormones in almost every piece of legislation.
For example, the health care bill contained new taxes on gold and silver.
What does health care have to do with gold and silver coins? Maybe it was justified as preventive medicine to keep currency panic in check.
With everyone in Congress, or at least the majority, acting as tax experts while the chairman is laid up suffering from a case of ethics the IRS tax code is guaranteed to rocket past 100,000 pages by 2012.
Obama's select committee to recommend solutions for our ever-growing deficit will focus on attempting to place a muzzle on the old entitlements, Social Security and Medicare.
The tax code is one of the most barbaric tools produced by the grasshopper generation and will probably receive only a paragraph or two in the committee's report.
It will read something to the effect that the income tax system needs revision.
All enterprises which partly exist by sucking blood from taxpayers are overjoyed with the code's potential volume increase.
The tax preparation groups will gain more business as fewer and fewer people are able to use the so-called short form 1040.
Working families with primary incomes from their 9-to-5 jobs will feed the drive-by fast tax services as a result of perceived taxing complexity.
At the extreme end of the income scale the top 5% of income workers will spend more money with investment banks, law firms, and accountants in order to spend less with the federal government.
They also represent those paying approximately 90% of revenues collected in income taxes.
At election times they are easy targets to stir up voters who are aware that a majority at the top income-wise somehow legally avoid tax payments.
Just seconds after the final votes are counted lobbying groups who have purchased the controlling strings of reelected Congressmen and Senators move in to guarantee that no holes of consequence will be closed in the tax sieve.
The upper-middle-class workers are frustrated because they know a solution to navigating out of the income tax mess is available, but they can't afford a seeing-eye dog to guide them now.
The only thing to prevent the hundred thousand page mark in the near future is a sincere effort to conserve trees.
Maybe a back to sanity rallying cry could be: cut the code not a tree! Plan for the worst - pray for better!
The House Ways and Means committee is charged with this duty.
Most working American families feel like the word "ways" when used with this committee is shorthand for the ways the federal government can squeeze more revenue.
"Mean" is the attitude the government expects their collection agency( the IRS) to exhibit.
Fear is a tremendous motivator! For most of the past two years the chairman of the Ways and Means committee has been under investigation by the House ethics committee.
Their actions up to now have been confidential.
The chairman has spent in excess of $2 million dealing with the committee on ethics.
Uncommon sense would say they are looking into more than whether or not he has any ethics.
With a straitjacket restraining the chairman from full concentration on tax legislation other members of the Senate and House have jumped in to assist.
As deficits of collected revenue continue to rise it seems not only do these helpers have taxing ideas for working families, they are also emboldened to put revenue hormones in almost every piece of legislation.
For example, the health care bill contained new taxes on gold and silver.
What does health care have to do with gold and silver coins? Maybe it was justified as preventive medicine to keep currency panic in check.
With everyone in Congress, or at least the majority, acting as tax experts while the chairman is laid up suffering from a case of ethics the IRS tax code is guaranteed to rocket past 100,000 pages by 2012.
Obama's select committee to recommend solutions for our ever-growing deficit will focus on attempting to place a muzzle on the old entitlements, Social Security and Medicare.
The tax code is one of the most barbaric tools produced by the grasshopper generation and will probably receive only a paragraph or two in the committee's report.
It will read something to the effect that the income tax system needs revision.
All enterprises which partly exist by sucking blood from taxpayers are overjoyed with the code's potential volume increase.
The tax preparation groups will gain more business as fewer and fewer people are able to use the so-called short form 1040.
Working families with primary incomes from their 9-to-5 jobs will feed the drive-by fast tax services as a result of perceived taxing complexity.
At the extreme end of the income scale the top 5% of income workers will spend more money with investment banks, law firms, and accountants in order to spend less with the federal government.
They also represent those paying approximately 90% of revenues collected in income taxes.
At election times they are easy targets to stir up voters who are aware that a majority at the top income-wise somehow legally avoid tax payments.
Just seconds after the final votes are counted lobbying groups who have purchased the controlling strings of reelected Congressmen and Senators move in to guarantee that no holes of consequence will be closed in the tax sieve.
The upper-middle-class workers are frustrated because they know a solution to navigating out of the income tax mess is available, but they can't afford a seeing-eye dog to guide them now.
The only thing to prevent the hundred thousand page mark in the near future is a sincere effort to conserve trees.
Maybe a back to sanity rallying cry could be: cut the code not a tree! Plan for the worst - pray for better!