Clear Your Credit Card Debts With a Debt Management Plan
In the current times of economic crisis, debt has become widespread.
If you are paying just the minimum monthly dues on your credit cards it is perhaps a futile attempt to get rid of the debt.
In reality, this approach of clearing your credit card debt may take years as you are probably only paying off the interest portion of the credit, judging by the high interest rates that most credit card companies charge.
Now a solution presents in the form of making claims to clear your credit debt.
So how can this happen? Well, most card users are unaware of one basic fact about lending companies, which is that in all probability your credit cards company cannot enforce the loan or credit agreement because of legal hassles.
In fact, this is slowly gaining recognition, and many users are becoming aware that clearing their credit card debt is not so hard after all.
So, now you know that clearing the huge credit card debt is not so complicated, here is how you approach the problem.
The first step is to get in touch with a mediator to approach the lender with the request to make a claim.
This is best done by hiring a professional solicitor or company that specialises in making credit debt claims.
This is because the right way to approach the lender is crucial to ensure that your loan agreements are unenforceable thus contributing to the success of your claim.
The next step is to identify the actual loans and credit debt that you wish to make a claim against.
This can include your credit cards, loans, financial agreements and even mortgages.
Once you have listed out your individual claims, you will need to provide the account and card details to the company your hired to take care of the claims.
The final claim will depend on the actual credit loan amount due, and it is best to let the same company handle all your credit card claims if you hold multiple accounts.
The company then handles the necessary paperwork to arrange an audit at the lender location that will analyse any breaches on the lender's part which then qualify you to a claim.
Once the grounds for dispute are ascertained it is only a matter of time before the solicitor helps you to clear your card dues so you really are debt free! This is not debt management, an IVA (Individual Voluntary Arrangement) or bankruptcy.
These options may be useful if you find your agreements are not unenforceable.
Debt management companies offer excellent and confidential advice to help you with debt and debt management of all kinds.
Stop worrying and call today for peace of mind.