Meeting Women in Bookstores
It's time to stop complaining that you don't know where to meet the girls.
You can meet girls just about anywhere.
Every place you go presents an opportunity to meet girls.
The main reason why you are unable to meet girls is not because girls are not there, but because you fail to make yourself available when the opportunity presents itself.
One of the best places to meet girls is at the bookstore, in case you have not noticed.
Girls are basically into the latest magazines and books.
Look at it this way.
If they really wanted to be alone, they could just take the book or the magazine home, but instead, they read it at the store.
This is a time for them to be sociable.
If you wanted to talk to a girl in a bookstore, there are plenty of things that you could talk about.
There are even stores that have coffee shops in them so this is a great place to talk her into a date.
Here's a good opener that could help you get started.
Go to the grocery store and buy a bag of gummy worms.
Select a target and walk up to her.
Then ask if you could borrow the book or magazine she's holding.
Next, pretend that you see something in the book and say, "hey look, it's a bookworm.
" Pull out the gummy bear and bite into it.
This is a humorous way and can lead to her talking to you.
So the next time you're out at the bookstore, stop giving too much attention to your iPod or playing games in your cell phone.
Look around and you might be able to spot a hot chick.
Who knows, you might even find one whom you can have a long-term relationship with.
You can meet girls just about anywhere.
Every place you go presents an opportunity to meet girls.
The main reason why you are unable to meet girls is not because girls are not there, but because you fail to make yourself available when the opportunity presents itself.
One of the best places to meet girls is at the bookstore, in case you have not noticed.
Girls are basically into the latest magazines and books.
Look at it this way.
If they really wanted to be alone, they could just take the book or the magazine home, but instead, they read it at the store.
This is a time for them to be sociable.
If you wanted to talk to a girl in a bookstore, there are plenty of things that you could talk about.
There are even stores that have coffee shops in them so this is a great place to talk her into a date.
Here's a good opener that could help you get started.
Go to the grocery store and buy a bag of gummy worms.
Select a target and walk up to her.
Then ask if you could borrow the book or magazine she's holding.
Next, pretend that you see something in the book and say, "hey look, it's a bookworm.
" Pull out the gummy bear and bite into it.
This is a humorous way and can lead to her talking to you.
So the next time you're out at the bookstore, stop giving too much attention to your iPod or playing games in your cell phone.
Look around and you might be able to spot a hot chick.
Who knows, you might even find one whom you can have a long-term relationship with.