Building Your Blogging Skills Through Twitter
Yes, I know, it's another social network that you probably avoid like the plague if you're not big into the whole social networking scene.
I mean, I didn't even get a chance to really look into Twitter until about a month ago, and I kept wondering if it was going to be a good thing or a bad thing for me.
After all, blogging is a very different kind of communication than Twitter, because you have the time to develop your entire thought and topic until you come to a reasonable conclusion.
So why should I even look at Twitter? I have a Facebook (that I hardly check) and I spend all my time blogging and being less than ideally social.
And the social aspect is exactly why I suggest using Twitter! Being social, charismatic, and exciting are three major components to bringing in readers and holding their attention.
If I told you that a social networking site like Twitter actually helped you improve those skills, I would understand if you laughed at me.
But, it's true, and if you want to know what makes a difference in your blogging skills, just give it a shot.
Take a look at Twitter and work to be social with others and you'll find that it's easier to write conversational blogs.
On top of the fact that Twitter is meant to be for short, quick updates, the character limit actually will help you design strong taglines without even trying.
Don't turn into a spammer.
Bring some value to what you have to say and learn how to integrate your business with your personality.
Yes, I know, it's another social network that you probably avoid like the plague if you're not big into the whole social networking scene.
I mean, I didn't even get a chance to really look into Twitter until about a month ago, and I kept wondering if it was going to be a good thing or a bad thing for me.
After all, blogging is a very different kind of communication than Twitter, because you have the time to develop your entire thought and topic until you come to a reasonable conclusion.
So why should I even look at Twitter? I have a Facebook (that I hardly check) and I spend all my time blogging and being less than ideally social.
And the social aspect is exactly why I suggest using Twitter! Being social, charismatic, and exciting are three major components to bringing in readers and holding their attention.
If I told you that a social networking site like Twitter actually helped you improve those skills, I would understand if you laughed at me.
But, it's true, and if you want to know what makes a difference in your blogging skills, just give it a shot.
Take a look at Twitter and work to be social with others and you'll find that it's easier to write conversational blogs.
On top of the fact that Twitter is meant to be for short, quick updates, the character limit actually will help you design strong taglines without even trying.
Don't turn into a spammer.
Bring some value to what you have to say and learn how to integrate your business with your personality.