Control Copper Levels And You Can Control Hair Loss
Most people are quick to judge their hair loss problem and blame it on their genetics, when in reality it could be because of other things.
I can recall when I lost my hair, I faced many questions.
I often asked myself why on earth was this happening to me.
My father lost his hair so I naturally contributed my problem to my family's genetic makeup.
I later learned that it wasn't genetics that was affecting me the most.
It was the copper levels in my body.
It might sound weird but yes you can have copper in your body.
There are various ways copper enters your body.
Most of the time it's through foods you eat.
Farmers are known to place copper on their plants to prevent fungus buildup.
Cattle often have a certain amount of copper in their food, which causes us to get it in our bodies when we eat steaks, beef and other meats.
Some older homes and buildings are made of copper pipes.
Even water pipes in older homes can be made of it.
So if you're drinking water that runs through a copper pipe, you will be ingesting this into your body.
Now we're not saying here that it's bad to get copper into your body.
That would be insane because copper helps your body in numerous ways.
You'll find that good copper levels in the human body range between 1.
7 milligrams and 3.
5 milligrams.
Anything less than 1.
7 and more than 3.
5 milligrams is dangerous to your hair.
Hair loss can result from too little and even from too much of it.
So how do you keep your copper levels just right in order to prevent hair loss and maintain healthy hair growth naturally? You might want to purchase a water filter if you live in a home with copper water pipes to avoid getting too much of this in your body.
Women who are treating thin hair should realize too that copper is also found in certain birth control medications.
You've probably heard about how birth control medications can cause hair fall.
Copper is the culprit behind it all.
If you're like me then I know you like to season your food with salt.
This can be a detrimental thing if you want to ever get your hair back.
Be careful not to eat too much salt.