How to Make a Girl Fall in Love With You
Being a man, your attention is often bogged down by thoughts of how to make a girl fall in love with you.
Do know this: there is no magic pill on this subject.
As a guy who has fallen in and out of love several times, I'm here to give you a little personal insight.
Millions of words have been written on how to attract women, but most of the advice is tired, rehashed nonsense that simply doesn't work.
The truth is that there is nothing complicated about impressing women and getting them to like you, all you have to do is think how things look through their eyes instead of your own and don't say or do anything that's clearly going to make you look bad.
The first thing to know is that a shy man is often seen as a sensitive wimp.
If you think that you can frown your brows in an intriguing manner, and let your eyes or face do the talking, you're wrong.
Girls do like shy men, but it doesn't work in the love game (at least not that much).
As a guy, you're supposed to be in touch with your masculinity.
Hence, my opening piece of advice to you would be to act confidently.
That's what attracts women.
Never fret so much about what a woman will think that you end up not taking any action.
The worst case scenario is that she won't call you back, she'll avoid you or get a creepy feeling about you.
Don't worry; she's not the first and she certainly won't be the last girl to feel that way.
There are plenty of other women in your future, so don't be discouraged by a few bad experiences.
Women tend to be out in groups and that can intimidate a lot of men, but don't let it scare you off.
Let's say you've been eyeing a cute girl for a long while now.
Maybe she's your classmate or co-worker and she's usually surrounded by her friends.
It can seem daunting to find an opening because they never leave her side and you don't want to make a move in front of her entourage.
Still, they are a barrier only if you allow them to be.
Your best move is to approach the entire pack with the sole intention of talking to everyone in a casual and entertaining manner.
As soon as she notices your positive energy and comfort level around her friends, she'll drop her guard enough to let you make the next move.
Above all, void the "just friends" zone.
It's like the romance wasteland for men.
Once you find a woman that you're attracted to it's extremely important that you establish attraction early on.
Not necessarily to make a move, but to let her know that you will not be dumped in the "just friends" pile.
This is crucial because nothing is worse than falling for a woman who only sees you as a friend.
She'll call you to discuss her boyfriend issues, maybe invite you out to movies and casual lunches but that's about it.
The girl will never see you for who you really are unless you take action.
The biggest tip on how to attract women is quite simple.
They have a weakness for praise.
Be a little romantic, courteous and assertive in making your moves.
Use compliments only at the right time.
Do it too early and you'll look desperate and women do not like that.
Women will tell you when it's time to pour on the sugar, so it's up to you to pay attention for these verbal clues and then give her the compliments that she's fishing for, but in a cool, casual way.
Do know this: there is no magic pill on this subject.
As a guy who has fallen in and out of love several times, I'm here to give you a little personal insight.
Millions of words have been written on how to attract women, but most of the advice is tired, rehashed nonsense that simply doesn't work.
The truth is that there is nothing complicated about impressing women and getting them to like you, all you have to do is think how things look through their eyes instead of your own and don't say or do anything that's clearly going to make you look bad.
The first thing to know is that a shy man is often seen as a sensitive wimp.
If you think that you can frown your brows in an intriguing manner, and let your eyes or face do the talking, you're wrong.
Girls do like shy men, but it doesn't work in the love game (at least not that much).
As a guy, you're supposed to be in touch with your masculinity.
Hence, my opening piece of advice to you would be to act confidently.
That's what attracts women.
Never fret so much about what a woman will think that you end up not taking any action.
The worst case scenario is that she won't call you back, she'll avoid you or get a creepy feeling about you.
Don't worry; she's not the first and she certainly won't be the last girl to feel that way.
There are plenty of other women in your future, so don't be discouraged by a few bad experiences.
Women tend to be out in groups and that can intimidate a lot of men, but don't let it scare you off.
Let's say you've been eyeing a cute girl for a long while now.
Maybe she's your classmate or co-worker and she's usually surrounded by her friends.
It can seem daunting to find an opening because they never leave her side and you don't want to make a move in front of her entourage.
Still, they are a barrier only if you allow them to be.
Your best move is to approach the entire pack with the sole intention of talking to everyone in a casual and entertaining manner.
As soon as she notices your positive energy and comfort level around her friends, she'll drop her guard enough to let you make the next move.
Above all, void the "just friends" zone.
It's like the romance wasteland for men.
Once you find a woman that you're attracted to it's extremely important that you establish attraction early on.
Not necessarily to make a move, but to let her know that you will not be dumped in the "just friends" pile.
This is crucial because nothing is worse than falling for a woman who only sees you as a friend.
She'll call you to discuss her boyfriend issues, maybe invite you out to movies and casual lunches but that's about it.
The girl will never see you for who you really are unless you take action.
The biggest tip on how to attract women is quite simple.
They have a weakness for praise.
Be a little romantic, courteous and assertive in making your moves.
Use compliments only at the right time.
Do it too early and you'll look desperate and women do not like that.
Women will tell you when it's time to pour on the sugar, so it's up to you to pay attention for these verbal clues and then give her the compliments that she's fishing for, but in a cool, casual way.