System Security Fix
- Once your system has been attacked by a virus, it may disable your antivirus program. It is always a good idea to have more than one program installed so if one gets disabled, the other can still try to remove the threat. Some programs may also not detect certain viruses, so by using multiple programs, you increase your chances of catching malware before it can affect your system. If your antivirus programs are not working, try reinstalling them or downloading a new version that may be immune to the virus's attempts to turn it off.
- Restart your computer and as the beginning prompt comes up, hold down F8 to enter a menu that gives you the option of entering Safe Mode. Safe Mode allows your computer to run using only the programs that are required to keep it working and this means the virus should be turned off as well. Keep your computer in Safe Mode when you run your antivirus scans and they are more likely to be effective against the malware and can eliminate more of its programs.
- If running viral scans and switching to Safe Mode are still not effective in restoring function to your computer, have it professionally examined by a computer specialist. A company that specializes in computer servicing can go through your files and program code and delete specific fragments of the virus that may have hidden themselves from your scans. It is better to let them take that approach, because deleting files individually without knowing exactly what they are or what effect it can have may permanently disable your system.
- The last resort in restoring normal computer function is to reformat your hard drive. This will eliminate everything and start from scratch, and you will have to reinstall an operating system after doing it. Consult a professional before taking that drastic a step unless you are not worried about losing all of your programs and files.
Use Multiple Antivirus Programs
Run Safe Mode
Have a Professional Cleaning
Reformat Your Hard Drive