Backaches While Pregnant
Backache while pregnant is the most common problem that pregnant women have, especially in the later months, and there are many causes, however there are things that you can do to lessen the pain so that you will be more comfortable.
One of the main causes is the strain on your back muscles from carrying that extra weight.
Another one is the posture women often assume during pregnancy to offset the weight.
Stretched and weakened abdominal muscles are yet one more reason.
Here are some tips to help with your backache: Sleep on a firm mattress.
If your bed is too soft, have someone put a board between the mattress and box springs to make it firm.
Sleep on your side rather than your back.
Tuck a pillow between your legs.
Buy an abdominal support garment.
It looks like a girdle and helps take the weight of your belly off your back muscles.
Avoid lifting heavy objects.
Heavy lifting puts even more strain on your back.
Don't bend at the waist to pick something up, instead, squat down, bend your knees, and keep your back straight.
Try to stay off your feet as much as possible.
If you have to stand for a long time, rest one foot on a stool or a box to take the strain off your back.
Sit in chairs with good back support, or tuck a small pillow behind your lower back.
Wear low-heeled shoes with good arch support.
High heels tilt your body forward and strain your lower back muscles.
Keep things in reaching distance.
Put things that you use a lot in close reach.
This way you don't have to bend or stretch.
Apply a heating pad, and use the lowest setting, warm water bottle, or cold compress to ease the pain.
Make sure and wrap it up in a towel to avoid burning yourself.
By following these simple suggestions, you will find that your backache while pregnant will be less painful, and you will be able to rest and get through your day more comfortably.
One of the main causes is the strain on your back muscles from carrying that extra weight.
Another one is the posture women often assume during pregnancy to offset the weight.
Stretched and weakened abdominal muscles are yet one more reason.
Here are some tips to help with your backache: Sleep on a firm mattress.
If your bed is too soft, have someone put a board between the mattress and box springs to make it firm.
Sleep on your side rather than your back.
Tuck a pillow between your legs.
Buy an abdominal support garment.
It looks like a girdle and helps take the weight of your belly off your back muscles.
Avoid lifting heavy objects.
Heavy lifting puts even more strain on your back.
Don't bend at the waist to pick something up, instead, squat down, bend your knees, and keep your back straight.
Try to stay off your feet as much as possible.
If you have to stand for a long time, rest one foot on a stool or a box to take the strain off your back.
Sit in chairs with good back support, or tuck a small pillow behind your lower back.
Wear low-heeled shoes with good arch support.
High heels tilt your body forward and strain your lower back muscles.
Keep things in reaching distance.
Put things that you use a lot in close reach.
This way you don't have to bend or stretch.
Apply a heating pad, and use the lowest setting, warm water bottle, or cold compress to ease the pain.
Make sure and wrap it up in a towel to avoid burning yourself.
By following these simple suggestions, you will find that your backache while pregnant will be less painful, and you will be able to rest and get through your day more comfortably.