Fastest Way to Lose Belly Fat - Here"s How!
In the Beginning -- The Belly of the Matter Here's the deal.
If you want to lose that spare tire around the middle, you need to understand how it got there.
"How it got there" falls into two categories -- eating too much of the wrong foods and not exercising your core muscles properly.
In other words, unless you know the secret to dropping stomach fat, you're probably just going to drive yourself crazy.
Let's look at what you should do.
What Are You Eating? Losing belly fat fast takes a two-pronged approach.
First, you want to eat foods that can help boost your metabolism, and second, you want to build sleek muscles that also boost metabolism.
Toss out all the "whites" -- white sugar, white rice, white bread, and so on.
They provide you with carbs that your body converts to sugar.
You'll get a "sugar high" from them, only to crash a few hours later.
Instead, look to whole grains and proteins, along with some good fats.
These foods help curb the appetite, and protein in particular is great at helping to build muscle.
And muscle raises your metabolism.
The Core Your core is the set of muscles from the hips on up to right under the breasts.
If you want to tone your core (and slim your belly) you have to concentrate on this area.
The oblique muscles -- you probably know them as the infamous "love handles"; they run along your sides, at an angle.
The rectus abdominis muscles are long and flat, and they extend across the whole front of the abdomen.
These are the muscles that feature prominently in the term "six pack abs".
Toning your entire core is the fastest way to lose belly fat, from the entire waist area.
What Exercises, and Where? You don't need a gym membership, but if you have one, you might want to schedule a session (maybe two) with a personal trainer.
All you really need to get started is an exercise mat and a few DVDs.
One excellent tool is utilizing a balance ball.
Don't laugh -- just sitting on the ball properly uses your core muscles! Pilates exercises are famous for tightening core muscles; if there's a class near you, check it out.
And yes, you can do crunches, providing you do a variety of crunches; you need to work both the rectus abdominis and the obliques.
Fastest Way to Lose Belly Fat - Summary The fastest way to lose belly fat is indeed through diet and exercise.
Without watching what you eat and proper exercise, you won't get much of anywhere.
But by eating properly and working your core...
get ready to blast that belly fat away!
If you want to lose that spare tire around the middle, you need to understand how it got there.
"How it got there" falls into two categories -- eating too much of the wrong foods and not exercising your core muscles properly.
In other words, unless you know the secret to dropping stomach fat, you're probably just going to drive yourself crazy.
Let's look at what you should do.
What Are You Eating? Losing belly fat fast takes a two-pronged approach.
First, you want to eat foods that can help boost your metabolism, and second, you want to build sleek muscles that also boost metabolism.
Toss out all the "whites" -- white sugar, white rice, white bread, and so on.
They provide you with carbs that your body converts to sugar.
You'll get a "sugar high" from them, only to crash a few hours later.
Instead, look to whole grains and proteins, along with some good fats.
These foods help curb the appetite, and protein in particular is great at helping to build muscle.
And muscle raises your metabolism.
The Core Your core is the set of muscles from the hips on up to right under the breasts.
If you want to tone your core (and slim your belly) you have to concentrate on this area.
The oblique muscles -- you probably know them as the infamous "love handles"; they run along your sides, at an angle.
The rectus abdominis muscles are long and flat, and they extend across the whole front of the abdomen.
These are the muscles that feature prominently in the term "six pack abs".
Toning your entire core is the fastest way to lose belly fat, from the entire waist area.
What Exercises, and Where? You don't need a gym membership, but if you have one, you might want to schedule a session (maybe two) with a personal trainer.
All you really need to get started is an exercise mat and a few DVDs.
One excellent tool is utilizing a balance ball.
Don't laugh -- just sitting on the ball properly uses your core muscles! Pilates exercises are famous for tightening core muscles; if there's a class near you, check it out.
And yes, you can do crunches, providing you do a variety of crunches; you need to work both the rectus abdominis and the obliques.
Fastest Way to Lose Belly Fat - Summary The fastest way to lose belly fat is indeed through diet and exercise.
Without watching what you eat and proper exercise, you won't get much of anywhere.
But by eating properly and working your core...
get ready to blast that belly fat away!