Golf Gym in Your Home With Affordable Equipment
Every golfer needs a golf gym in their home if they want to play better golf.
This golf gym I'm speaking of takes up less than 60 square feet of your home and is less than a hundred dollars of your money.
If that isn't motivation enough to get you working on your "machine", than I don't know what else to tell you, other than quite possibly playing the same old game over and over again.
No Fitness Club Required When you hear of exercising for golf you immediately think of a public fitness club right? That would be a natural assumption, but one that is incorrect if you keep reading.
In Your Home Golf fitness training can and really should take place in your home with simple and affordable equipment.
The reason being convenience, money and time saving, and a higher adherence level.
Golf Fitness Equipment For Your Golf Gym The ONLY pieces you need for your golf gym are: an exercise ball, exercise tubing (with handles), handweights, and a weighted medicine ball.
Nothing more...
nothing less! The exercise ball is the big beach ball you see everywhere.
You can purchase them in Target stores now.
The exercise tubing is also available in most sports stores and again Target.
You can get handweights (dumbbells) anywhere.
And the medicine ball can be purchased in most fitness equipments stores.
Fun and Motivating As soon as you pick up the above pieces and get some golf fitness information off the web or in a bookstore, you'll be on your way to a better game and more enjoyment out of your new exercise program.
With it being fun, you'll be more motivated to stick with it and see long-lasting results.
You will now be the proud owner of a golf gym.
This golf gym I'm speaking of takes up less than 60 square feet of your home and is less than a hundred dollars of your money.
If that isn't motivation enough to get you working on your "machine", than I don't know what else to tell you, other than quite possibly playing the same old game over and over again.
No Fitness Club Required When you hear of exercising for golf you immediately think of a public fitness club right? That would be a natural assumption, but one that is incorrect if you keep reading.
In Your Home Golf fitness training can and really should take place in your home with simple and affordable equipment.
The reason being convenience, money and time saving, and a higher adherence level.
Golf Fitness Equipment For Your Golf Gym The ONLY pieces you need for your golf gym are: an exercise ball, exercise tubing (with handles), handweights, and a weighted medicine ball.
Nothing more...
nothing less! The exercise ball is the big beach ball you see everywhere.
You can purchase them in Target stores now.
The exercise tubing is also available in most sports stores and again Target.
You can get handweights (dumbbells) anywhere.
And the medicine ball can be purchased in most fitness equipments stores.
Fun and Motivating As soon as you pick up the above pieces and get some golf fitness information off the web or in a bookstore, you'll be on your way to a better game and more enjoyment out of your new exercise program.
With it being fun, you'll be more motivated to stick with it and see long-lasting results.
You will now be the proud owner of a golf gym.