Mason House Inn
Are these pictures really ghosts caught on camera? See for yourself with these ghostly pictures taken in reportedly haunted hotels by guests.
(Continued from previous page) Innkeeper Joy Hanson sent this ghost picture taken at the Mason House Inn in Bentonsport, Iowa:
"My husband played with the contrast a little to get rid of the glare and came up with the black & white one. It almost looks like a Civil War type flat hat.
"Unfortunately, there is a boy in front of the figure who is kind of bent over and his sweater hood is in the way of the face.
The size seems to be smaller than the high school aged kids.
"The bed is only about 14 inches from the wall on that side and there is not room to sit. You can see where the window ledge is so he is not sitting on the window ledge. Maybe this is a child, or maybe their time and dimension makes him small in our dimension?"
More Ghost Pictures from the Mason House Inn
Ghost Stories from the Mason House Inn
Mason House Inn Profile
(Continued from previous page) Innkeeper Joy Hanson sent this ghost picture taken at the Mason House Inn in Bentonsport, Iowa:
"My husband played with the contrast a little to get rid of the glare and came up with the black & white one. It almost looks like a Civil War type flat hat.
"Unfortunately, there is a boy in front of the figure who is kind of bent over and his sweater hood is in the way of the face.
The size seems to be smaller than the high school aged kids.
"The bed is only about 14 inches from the wall on that side and there is not room to sit. You can see where the window ledge is so he is not sitting on the window ledge. Maybe this is a child, or maybe their time and dimension makes him small in our dimension?"
More Ghost Pictures from the Mason House Inn
Ghost Stories from the Mason House Inn
Mason House Inn Profile