Where can I find citizens advice on debt?
To make sure you get free, impartial advice on your debt problem, speak to one of the following national advice charities:
National Debtline
National Debtline, which is part of Money Advice Trust, is a free government funded advice service; its website has a particularly good selection of fact sheets covering every type of debt solution. It also provides useful sample letters for a variety of debt related issues, from disputing liability of a debt through to complaints about debt collectors. National Debtline is open 9am – 9pm Monday to Friday and 9.30 – 1pm on Saturdays, to contact them call 0808 808 4000.
Consumer Credit Counselling Service
The Consumer Credit Counselling Service is a registered charity funded through the fair-share payment scheme. This is a process whereby they receive an amount from your creditors each month in return for administering your repayment program (this is in contrast to a fee-charging program, where 10% to 15% is taken out before any money is passed to your creditors; in the fair-share program, 100% of your payment goes to pay off your debt – your creditors are in essence agreeing to receive less back in order to pay CCCS a fee). The CCCS has an online debt management tool called Debt Remedy, which can be particularly useful for those that aren't confident enough to speak to somebody about their debt problem. CCCS is open Monday to Friday from 8am – 8pm, contact them on 0800 138 1111.
Debt Advice Foundation
The Debt Advice Foundation is a specialist advice and education charity that operates nationwide. The charity's website offers a range of debt tools including a debt analyser, budget planer, benefit entitlement checker, credit score checker and money management guide. Debt Advice Foundation is open 8am – 8pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 5pm on Saturdays, to contact them either call 0800 043 40 50.
Citizens Advice Bureau
The Citizens Advice Bureau offers face to face advice on a wide range of finance and consumer rights topics, including debt. However, be sure to call your local CAB first, as not all of them have money advisors and many have long appointment waiting lists.