BB10 2
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April tells Libra that she trusts Ollie, mainly because she has a crush on him. Libra decides to open her eyes as only a sistah-girl can, and calls Ollie to the carpet by confronting him in front of April. She asks Ollie point blank if he has an alliance with Brian and Dan, but instead of answering her question, he says he doesn’t have anything against the ladies. April begins to see that Ollie is playing both sides and says her feelings are hurt. She is about to cry but Libra tells her to suck it up. I’m starting to like Libra. After know this man for 24 hours, April is so heartbroken she now wants revenge. Ollie tries to make her believe that he wouldn’t do anything to hurt her. Anyways, he convinces them he’s onboard with whatever they decide to do. Libra puts a bug in his ear about King Brian, and they decide to approach everyone in the house, except Dan and Brian, about getting rid of Brian before he can become HOH. The trick will be to convince Jerry, who sees Brian as a stand up guy.
Ollie, Libra and April get everyone onboard and they all approach Jerry, who is heartbroken that they have formed an alliance and that Brian has hoodwinked him. Jerry said in his initial interview that he’s never missed an episode of Big Brother. I’ve seen one episode, and I know Brian’s up to no good. What’s up with Jerry?
Because Jesse has won the power of veto, Jerry has to pick another candidate for eviction. Brian is all set to tell Jerry what his decision should be, and he picks Memphis, citing his strength during the competition. Jerry tells Brian he will put Memphis up. At this point, Brian has to go back and approach everyone about getting rid of Memphis now. Libra is no dummy, and decides that Brian will not control her in any way, shape, or form.April tells Libra that she trusts Ollie, mainly because she has a crush on him. Libra decides to open her eyes as only a sistah-girl can, and calls Ollie to the carpet by confronting him in front of April. She asks Ollie point blank if he has an alliance with Brian and Dan, but instead of answering her question, he says he doesn’t have anything against the ladies. April begins to see that Ollie is playing both sides and says her feelings are hurt. She is about to cry but Libra tells her to suck it up. I’m starting to like Libra. After know this man for 24 hours, April is so heartbroken she now wants revenge. Ollie tries to make her believe that he wouldn’t do anything to hurt her. Anyways, he convinces them he’s onboard with whatever they decide to do. Libra puts a bug in his ear about King Brian, and they decide to approach everyone in the house, except Dan and Brian, about getting rid of Brian before he can become HOH. The trick will be to convince Jerry, who sees Brian as a stand up guy.
Ollie, Libra and April get everyone onboard and they all approach Jerry, who is heartbroken that they have formed an alliance and that Brian has hoodwinked him. Jerry said in his initial interview that he’s never missed an episode of Big Brother. I’ve seen one episode, and I know Brian’s up to no good. What’s up with Jerry?
Jesse initiates the veto ceremony by offering Renny a chance to tell the group why Jesse should give her the veto. She simply says that she knows Jesse wouldn’t give it to her anyhow and she sits down. Jesse keeps the veto for himself, so no one can touch him this week. Jerry is wearing his civilian clothes because he feels he’s going back on his word and doesn’t want to embarrass the military. Snake Brian interviews that he knows everyone is freaking out because they know Memphis is leaving the house like he asked Jerry to initiate. Brian is blindsided when Jerry puts him up for the vote instead of Memphis, which was a good move. The ceremony is adjourned, and the results will be revealed tonight!