Best ED Drugs - Discover Some of the Best Male Impotence Pills
It occurs when blood is not able to flow freely to the penile chamber.
There are good, safe, harmful and effective drugs used for the treatment of ED.
This article looks at some of the best ED drugs which you can use to get rid of ED and stores where you can get the original brand of the said medications for cheap.
Viagra Viagra is among the most popular and best selling ED drug.
It is consumed only when you need it.
Sildenafil was first formulated by Pfizer as a pill to fix high blood pressure and angina pectoris.
Clinical test revealed that it was not efficient for its designated function.
At the time guys who took part in the tests were demanded to bring back their unused pills, most of them wished to retain the drug.
It was during this period that Pfizer discovered that sildenafil has the ability to aid a man gain and maintain an erection.
It does not function by generating an erection, but rather it functions by suppressing the chemical systems which allows it to wither with time.
It is classified as a type 5 inhibitor.
The assimilation and strength of Viagra do lessen when it is consumed using food which has high content of fat.
It is accessible by direction in dosages of 25 milligrams to 100 milligrams consumed orally.
You need to take it at one time per day within 30 minutes to 4 hours before you engage in sexual activity.
Viagra is a prescription medicine, so you need prescription to take it.
Unluckily for persons who may want to take viagra, it can generate adverse effects like digestive distress, headaches, sneezing, flushing and heart problems.
Viagra has been featured in USA today newspaper.
Levitra The next alternative to Viagra erectile dysfunction medication is levitra which is a PDE5 inhibitor.
It is a type 5 inhibitor which is formulated by Bayer AG.
Bayer AG is a German firm which contrived aspirin.
It gives the same result as viagra.
The usually recommended beginning dose is 10 mg.
Cialis Another male impotence drug is cialis.
It is a PDE5 tadalafil inhibitor.
At times, it is referred to as the weekend med due to the fact that its result stays for 1 day and 12 hours.
It is chemically natural unlike the formerly named three meds which are levitra and Viagra, but still it has the ingredients which suppress PDE5.
Its normal dosage is 10 mg.
The adverse effects which may occur from its intake are muscle aches and back pain in the space of 24 hours after consuming it.
The side effects normally die off after some days of taking it.
It is among the safe type of ED pill.
Where to Buy Male Impotence Drugs Online Canada Pharmacy is an online store where you can get male impotence drugs for cheap.
Once you visit the site, use the search button to find the type of ed drug you want to buy.
Check it out at Canada Pharmacy.