"Battlefield: Bad Company 2" Medic Tips
- The Medic Kit is unlocked after you earn 1,400 experience points and is a valuable tool to the medic class. This lets the medic dispense boxes of health to other players, allowing them to recover from their injuries a lot quicker than they would by themselves. To use the Medic Kit, equip it, then press the "Primary Fire" button to throw a health pack on the ground. When a teammate stands on the health pack, their health will regenerate. Medics can heal themselves in this way, too.
- The Defibrillator is unlocked after you earn 5,800 experience points and allows medics to revive fallen allies. This is useful in game modes where the number of lives your team has is limited. When you revive a teammate, he will return to the battlefield exactly as he was before he was killed, and the life point the team lost with the death will be returned. To use the Defibrillator, equip it, then approach a fallen teammate. Press the "Primary Fire" button over the body, and he will be revived.
- Leave the front-line fighting to your allies and stay behind them if you can. It is the Medic's responsibility to keep the team alive and healthy. When you see a teammate under intense fire, place a Medic Kit near them. If any of your teammates die nearby, equip the defibrillator to heal them. Do not worry about the points you lose from not killing enemies because healing your team gets you points as well. Revive a teammate to get 50 points (equal to a kill), and revive a member of your squad to earn 80 points.
- Even though the Medic is most helpful when healing allies, this does not mean you will fall in a fight. Medics can equip light machine guns, weapons with a large ammunition capacity, a high rate of fire and high penetration. This makes it an excellent weapon to suppress an enemy position with constant fire, and it can even shoot through walls. Shoot barricades or buildings with enemies inside -- especially wooden structures -- to injure and possibly kill the occupants.
- The Medic is the only class in the game who does not have any form of explosive weapon, other than basic fragmentation grenades. This means that Medics are completely vulnerable to armored vehicles, such as tanks. With no way to damage armored vehicles, the Medic must either hide from them or rely on nearby allies with anti-armor capabilities to deal with the problem. If you encounter a lot of vehicles on a map, stay close to an engineer and keep him alive. Engineers can equip rocket launchers and anti-tank mines.
Dispense Health Packs
Revive Teammates
Stay Behind
Provide Support