3 Myths About the Book Publishing Process You Should Know
If there's one thing authors have to know more about before expecting to succeed in the print industry, it's the book publishing process.
Some authors may underestimate its demands while others may be too intimidated by some concepts of it that they become too afraid to even try.
Don't be either of them and be aware of the most common myths surrounding the book publishing processes.
Once you have completed writing your book, it is up to the publisher to market it.
You, as the author, write your book.
The publishers reproduce and distribute your book.
Now, who is responsible for marketing your book? Still you.
As the author your work does not end in putting the last punctuation mark in your manuscript and handing it to the publishers for printing.
Many authors have gone after big names in publishing thinking it would be enough to bring the book to the top of the bestseller lists, but ending up disappointed.
The reality is that getting a large publishing house to publish your book does not guarantee massive sales.
Neither will your book self itself once it gets on the shelves.
Ultimately, the success of your book still lies in your hands, and you have to take marketing seriously if you are to make your book a smash hit among readers.
Therefore, learn the most effective book marketing strategies, create a blueprint outlining your marketing plan, and put that plan into action.
Among all the people involved in the book publishing process, you are the key person.
You know the exact reason why you wrote your book and how it will fill a need in the target market, so you are the primary person who can best promote your book.
After you have completed your manuscript, it will take years before your book gets finally published.
How many times have you heard the story of a now famous author who has been turned down by numerous publishing companies for years before getting a big break and finally getting a book on print with a happy ever after? Indeed, traditional publishing can make finding a publisher a very long and difficult task considering the rejection and challenges you have to go through in trying to convince publishing houses your book is worth the investment.
But nowadays traditional publishing is not the only option.
Authors now have the choice to self-publish or publish a book with a print-on-demand (POD) publisher.
In self-publishing, the amount of time it will take to publish a book will depend on how prompt the author can learn the process and get the financial resources required.
In publishing with a POD publisher, your book can usually be published in 30, 60, or 90 days after you have finished your manuscript.
With more options for the modern day author, there is no reason why you should get stuck for years trying to get a publishing house to print your book.
The publisher knows what's best and therefore controls all aspects of the book.
In the book publishing processes, authors have traditionally let the publishers decide on the look, editing and other aspects of the book because of the idea that publishers know more about those aspects than they do.
But though publishers may have more experience with regard to it, you as the author still have the most in-depth understanding about what your book is all about.
The trends the publishers know can only serve as your guide, so check to see that the publishing contract gives you your desired amount of control when it comes to the layout and editing of your book.
Some authors may underestimate its demands while others may be too intimidated by some concepts of it that they become too afraid to even try.
Don't be either of them and be aware of the most common myths surrounding the book publishing processes.
Once you have completed writing your book, it is up to the publisher to market it.
You, as the author, write your book.
The publishers reproduce and distribute your book.
Now, who is responsible for marketing your book? Still you.
As the author your work does not end in putting the last punctuation mark in your manuscript and handing it to the publishers for printing.
Many authors have gone after big names in publishing thinking it would be enough to bring the book to the top of the bestseller lists, but ending up disappointed.
The reality is that getting a large publishing house to publish your book does not guarantee massive sales.
Neither will your book self itself once it gets on the shelves.
Ultimately, the success of your book still lies in your hands, and you have to take marketing seriously if you are to make your book a smash hit among readers.
Therefore, learn the most effective book marketing strategies, create a blueprint outlining your marketing plan, and put that plan into action.
Among all the people involved in the book publishing process, you are the key person.
You know the exact reason why you wrote your book and how it will fill a need in the target market, so you are the primary person who can best promote your book.
After you have completed your manuscript, it will take years before your book gets finally published.
How many times have you heard the story of a now famous author who has been turned down by numerous publishing companies for years before getting a big break and finally getting a book on print with a happy ever after? Indeed, traditional publishing can make finding a publisher a very long and difficult task considering the rejection and challenges you have to go through in trying to convince publishing houses your book is worth the investment.
But nowadays traditional publishing is not the only option.
Authors now have the choice to self-publish or publish a book with a print-on-demand (POD) publisher.
In self-publishing, the amount of time it will take to publish a book will depend on how prompt the author can learn the process and get the financial resources required.
In publishing with a POD publisher, your book can usually be published in 30, 60, or 90 days after you have finished your manuscript.
With more options for the modern day author, there is no reason why you should get stuck for years trying to get a publishing house to print your book.
The publisher knows what's best and therefore controls all aspects of the book.
In the book publishing processes, authors have traditionally let the publishers decide on the look, editing and other aspects of the book because of the idea that publishers know more about those aspects than they do.
But though publishers may have more experience with regard to it, you as the author still have the most in-depth understanding about what your book is all about.
The trends the publishers know can only serve as your guide, so check to see that the publishing contract gives you your desired amount of control when it comes to the layout and editing of your book.