What Is 3G?
- The 3G Network replaced the existing cell phone network and allows for faster data transmission times than the older technology.
- Cell phone network engineers designed the initial networks to handle mostly voice traffic. Because of this, data traffic moved more slowly over the old network.
- Older cell phones transferred data at a rate of 9.4 kilobits per second. 3G phones reach speeds up of up to 2 megabits per second.
- 3G speeds allow for real-time video streaming that allows the user to view broadcasts, and easier access to e-mail and websites.
- All major cell phone providers in the United States offer 3G phones. Customer-service representatives can help a person looking for a 3G cell phone find the right model to meet his needs.
What 3G Replaced
Extra Features of 3G Networks
2G vs. 3G Speed
Streaming Video
Finding a 3G Phone