Skin Whitening Cream And Lotion- Is It really That Popular Even For Men?
Skin whitening cream and lotion are being used by more and more people for the past years. The distribution of these products has become a multi-billion industry. Surprisingly, even men are more into using whitening creams. What has drawn the male gender to use whitening lotions?
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For one, the cosmetic industry has invested millions just to advertise aggressively, in order to capture the male gender as its new target market for skin whitening cream and lotion. It has also expanded on its female target market by introducing new product names that concern skin disorders. If you observe real carefully, you will see that the ads of whitening creams and lotions are streaming from the television, radio, magazines, huge billboards and the internet. They show famous masculine male celebrities having whiter and glowing skin contentedly endorsing whitening products. As if telling the men that using these whitening creams do not make you less of a man. It has become so popular that it is never a taboo anymore for the men.
They started with making creams for both men and women. But the men were too embarrassed to go to the ladies section just to buy these lotions and creams. Now, if you go to certain parts of the malls at the cosmetics section you will find whitening products for men alone. In fact, you can find whitening products for men that will not only make your skin fairer but also help repair the damage skin cell. There are also skincare products that boast of its 5 in 1 skin whitening benefits.
If you look closely at the product for men, its compositions are quite similar with the women's. This specific product for all the Adams on earth has SPF to protect men from the sun's harmful rays. It also has moisturizer that said to last for a long time. Some manufacturers of these particular cosmetics innovatively made variations of whitening lotions. The variation is said to cater the other needs of men concerning their skin problem like scars or skin discolorations.
The men nowadays are more conscious of their looks and are more open about it. That is what makes these products so popular for them. It is determined by how fast the products are gone in the shelf. If you wish to have fair skin and look younger minus all the scars and pimple breaks and other skin discolorations you can look up for skin whitening cream and lotion that will suite you best.
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For one, the cosmetic industry has invested millions just to advertise aggressively, in order to capture the male gender as its new target market for skin whitening cream and lotion. It has also expanded on its female target market by introducing new product names that concern skin disorders. If you observe real carefully, you will see that the ads of whitening creams and lotions are streaming from the television, radio, magazines, huge billboards and the internet. They show famous masculine male celebrities having whiter and glowing skin contentedly endorsing whitening products. As if telling the men that using these whitening creams do not make you less of a man. It has become so popular that it is never a taboo anymore for the men.
They started with making creams for both men and women. But the men were too embarrassed to go to the ladies section just to buy these lotions and creams. Now, if you go to certain parts of the malls at the cosmetics section you will find whitening products for men alone. In fact, you can find whitening products for men that will not only make your skin fairer but also help repair the damage skin cell. There are also skincare products that boast of its 5 in 1 skin whitening benefits.
If you look closely at the product for men, its compositions are quite similar with the women's. This specific product for all the Adams on earth has SPF to protect men from the sun's harmful rays. It also has moisturizer that said to last for a long time. Some manufacturers of these particular cosmetics innovatively made variations of whitening lotions. The variation is said to cater the other needs of men concerning their skin problem like scars or skin discolorations.
The men nowadays are more conscious of their looks and are more open about it. That is what makes these products so popular for them. It is determined by how fast the products are gone in the shelf. If you wish to have fair skin and look younger minus all the scars and pimple breaks and other skin discolorations you can look up for skin whitening cream and lotion that will suite you best.