Burn That Fat - 2 Secret Weapons to Guarantee Success!
Losing weight is hard enough for God's sake...
but when we're operating in the dark it seems totally hopeless.
We need to understand why we've failed with our weight loss efforts in the past...
and we need to learn how we can make weight loss easy so we can have permanent success.
I mean...
why make this a struggle when it doesn't have to be? We need some special help...
right? So here are your secret weapons: 1.
There are specific high "glycemic foods" that are keeping you overweight...
your first weapon is learning what they are and how they do that.
Carbohydrate cravings are your biggest enemy.
Your second secret weapon is the plan we will show you to overcome these cravings! If you want to know exactly how to make this happen in the next five days then just click my link below...
it's all in my free book.
But let's get on with the article: Here's a question you might be asking: "How come after a diet, I just seem to put all the weight back on again? The sad reality of our times is that if you are chronically overweight, then its almost certain that you are on the North American diet most typified by the McDonald's fast food meal...
maybe "low in fat" these days, but bursting at the seams with highly processed carbohydrates and sugars.
Doesn't matter if it's a fish burger or a lean chicken burger...
it's the fries, the buns the desserts and the drinks that are doing you in! This doesn't make you a bad person...
it just means that, like the rest of us, you have been suckered in by the advertising.
Here's why it's so important for you to understand what's happening to your body...
the North American Diet has made your body insensitive to insulin and insulin is the key to successful weight loss and control of diabetes Type 2.
This is how it happens and why it's so bad: When you eat, the food in your stomach gets converted into glucose that moves into your bloodstream.
This is the food that your brain, your muscles and your tissues need in order to survive and grow.
When glucose enters your bloodstream, your pancreas responds by releasing insulin into your blood.
Insulin is needed to allow the glucose to enter your cells.
There, it is broken down to produce the energy needed for your cells to work properly.
When your system is functioning normally, insulin will open the door to the cells to let the glucose produced from your food to enter; and it allows extra sugar to be stored as energy for future use.
It can be stored in the liver, in the form of glycogen, or deposited in fat cells.
A diet high in processed carbohydrates (which contain very little fiber) continually spikes your blood sugar to very high levels in short periods of time which causes your pancreas to kick in a big shot of insulin to move this excess of sugar into your muscles etc.
Usually, way too much insulin is produced, so now your blood sugar levels drop below optimum.
The brain panics and demands more glucose, you get carb cravings, so you reach for those carb rich foods again...
and the game is on.
You quickly become addicted to carbohydrates...
the craving takes you over and you have to eat.
This repeated cycle has several serious consequences.
If you continue on this carb rich diet then, over time your muscles will become insulin intolerant and no longer accept the glucose, which then gets deposited as fat in your liver and around your stomach.
You have reached what is called "metabolic syndrome".
You don't increase your food intake (still carbohydrate rich foods) but you start to put on fat continuously, especially around your belly.
Eventually, your pancreas becomes exhausted and can't produce enough insulin...
and you have contracted Type 2 Diabetes.
Now you need to begin insulin injections.
But wait...
there's good news...
all of this can be reversed!I can show you how to do this!
but when we're operating in the dark it seems totally hopeless.
We need to understand why we've failed with our weight loss efforts in the past...
and we need to learn how we can make weight loss easy so we can have permanent success.
I mean...
why make this a struggle when it doesn't have to be? We need some special help...
right? So here are your secret weapons: 1.
There are specific high "glycemic foods" that are keeping you overweight...
your first weapon is learning what they are and how they do that.
Carbohydrate cravings are your biggest enemy.
Your second secret weapon is the plan we will show you to overcome these cravings! If you want to know exactly how to make this happen in the next five days then just click my link below...
it's all in my free book.
But let's get on with the article: Here's a question you might be asking: "How come after a diet, I just seem to put all the weight back on again? The sad reality of our times is that if you are chronically overweight, then its almost certain that you are on the North American diet most typified by the McDonald's fast food meal...
maybe "low in fat" these days, but bursting at the seams with highly processed carbohydrates and sugars.
Doesn't matter if it's a fish burger or a lean chicken burger...
it's the fries, the buns the desserts and the drinks that are doing you in! This doesn't make you a bad person...
it just means that, like the rest of us, you have been suckered in by the advertising.
Here's why it's so important for you to understand what's happening to your body...
the North American Diet has made your body insensitive to insulin and insulin is the key to successful weight loss and control of diabetes Type 2.
This is how it happens and why it's so bad: When you eat, the food in your stomach gets converted into glucose that moves into your bloodstream.
This is the food that your brain, your muscles and your tissues need in order to survive and grow.
When glucose enters your bloodstream, your pancreas responds by releasing insulin into your blood.
Insulin is needed to allow the glucose to enter your cells.
There, it is broken down to produce the energy needed for your cells to work properly.
When your system is functioning normally, insulin will open the door to the cells to let the glucose produced from your food to enter; and it allows extra sugar to be stored as energy for future use.
It can be stored in the liver, in the form of glycogen, or deposited in fat cells.
A diet high in processed carbohydrates (which contain very little fiber) continually spikes your blood sugar to very high levels in short periods of time which causes your pancreas to kick in a big shot of insulin to move this excess of sugar into your muscles etc.
Usually, way too much insulin is produced, so now your blood sugar levels drop below optimum.
The brain panics and demands more glucose, you get carb cravings, so you reach for those carb rich foods again...
and the game is on.
You quickly become addicted to carbohydrates...
the craving takes you over and you have to eat.
This repeated cycle has several serious consequences.
If you continue on this carb rich diet then, over time your muscles will become insulin intolerant and no longer accept the glucose, which then gets deposited as fat in your liver and around your stomach.
You have reached what is called "metabolic syndrome".
You don't increase your food intake (still carbohydrate rich foods) but you start to put on fat continuously, especially around your belly.
Eventually, your pancreas becomes exhausted and can't produce enough insulin...
and you have contracted Type 2 Diabetes.
Now you need to begin insulin injections.
But wait...
there's good news...
all of this can be reversed!I can show you how to do this!