New Jersey Home Inspector Training
- Home inspectors perform a visual inspection of a home and its major systems. The home inspector then organizes her observation in a report for the homeowner or other interested party.
- Prospective home inspectors can meet their licensing education requirement by completing an approved 180-hour training program. This program must include 40 hours of unpaid fieldwork, consisting of home inspections performed under the supervision of a licensed home inspector.
- Prospective home inspectors have the option of completing a mentorship instead of an educational program in order to qualify for a state license. The candidate must complete 250 paid home inspections under the supervision of a licensed home inspector, and must submit a list of all inspections performed with his application.
- After completing required education or a mentorship, the prospective home inspector must pass the National Home Inspector Examination. The candidate must submit proof of passing the exam with her license application.
- New Jersey law requires home inspectors to complete 40 hours of continuing education prior to renewing their licenses. Home inspectors must obtain the continuing education hours through an approved provider.
Mentorship Option
Continuing Education