Why is Passive Smoking One of the Main Leading Causes of Cancer in the World?
Passive smokers inhale the fumes given out by frequent smokers while they are smoking cigarettes, cigars or pipes.
Passive smoking, also known as secondhand smoking is most frequent in public places, and can also be observed in some private residences.
Bars and restaurants are the most common places where one can experience passive smoking.
Many individuals are also exposed to immense passive smoke in their own apartments or at the homes of friends and family.
Smoke lingers in the air for longer, particularly in enclosed rooms when a person keeps smoking for long.
Children, particularly toddlers and infants, are at a higher risk from these poisonous remains even when smoker dissipates, because it forms a layer on their skin and clothes.
Passive smokers usually have to confront with many detrimental diseases such as heart related diseases, cancer, ear infections and respiratory problems.
Passive smoking has been also found to be responsible for lower birth weights and a major cause of several infant deaths.
As per recent studies, around one million smokers are found suffering from asthma, which is primarily caused by passive smoking.
Passive smokers are susceptible to a number of frightening effects.
As one would expect, bronchial tubes of a child are relatively smaller and immune system is less developed making them more vulnerable to a host of illnesses and disorders.
As their airways are smaller, kids take shorter and faster breaths than adults and as a result they actually breathe in more harmful particles while breathing.
Exposures to smoke of tobacco can even double the risk of children contracting disorders and diseases like pneumonia and bronchitis calling for the need of hospitalization for these illnesses.
It has been proven that second hand smoke which is generated by the exhalation of the smoker and by the smoke rising from the smoldering end of the cigarette has adverse effects on the human physiology.
Some of the long term effects of passive smoking are listed below: -Second hand smoke has been proven as a carcinogenic substance.
-Research has shown a significant increase in the relative risk of lung cancer in people who are exposed to second hand smoke.
-Passive smoking increases the risk of contraction of breast cancer among younger, premenopausal women by seventy percent.
-Children are at a higher risk of developing brain tumor in their lifetime due to a sustained exposure to passive smoking.
Even if the mother does not smoke, her exposure to second hand smoke during pregnancies increases the chances of her babies developing brain tumor at some point in their lifetime.
The adverse effects of second hand smoke have been researched and complied for many years.
The effects are life threatening, serious and debilitating.
It is a proven fact that it is next to impossible to avert passive smoking completely, but it is definitely in your best interest to avoid it as much as possible.
Pregnant women and children are at a higher risk and they should take every step possible to ensure that they are protected from the effects of second hand smoke.
Passive smoking, also known as secondhand smoking is most frequent in public places, and can also be observed in some private residences.
Bars and restaurants are the most common places where one can experience passive smoking.
Many individuals are also exposed to immense passive smoke in their own apartments or at the homes of friends and family.
Smoke lingers in the air for longer, particularly in enclosed rooms when a person keeps smoking for long.
Children, particularly toddlers and infants, are at a higher risk from these poisonous remains even when smoker dissipates, because it forms a layer on their skin and clothes.
Passive smokers usually have to confront with many detrimental diseases such as heart related diseases, cancer, ear infections and respiratory problems.
Passive smoking has been also found to be responsible for lower birth weights and a major cause of several infant deaths.
As per recent studies, around one million smokers are found suffering from asthma, which is primarily caused by passive smoking.
Passive smokers are susceptible to a number of frightening effects.
As one would expect, bronchial tubes of a child are relatively smaller and immune system is less developed making them more vulnerable to a host of illnesses and disorders.
As their airways are smaller, kids take shorter and faster breaths than adults and as a result they actually breathe in more harmful particles while breathing.
Exposures to smoke of tobacco can even double the risk of children contracting disorders and diseases like pneumonia and bronchitis calling for the need of hospitalization for these illnesses.
It has been proven that second hand smoke which is generated by the exhalation of the smoker and by the smoke rising from the smoldering end of the cigarette has adverse effects on the human physiology.
Some of the long term effects of passive smoking are listed below: -Second hand smoke has been proven as a carcinogenic substance.
-Research has shown a significant increase in the relative risk of lung cancer in people who are exposed to second hand smoke.
-Passive smoking increases the risk of contraction of breast cancer among younger, premenopausal women by seventy percent.
-Children are at a higher risk of developing brain tumor in their lifetime due to a sustained exposure to passive smoking.
Even if the mother does not smoke, her exposure to second hand smoke during pregnancies increases the chances of her babies developing brain tumor at some point in their lifetime.
The adverse effects of second hand smoke have been researched and complied for many years.
The effects are life threatening, serious and debilitating.
It is a proven fact that it is next to impossible to avert passive smoking completely, but it is definitely in your best interest to avoid it as much as possible.
Pregnant women and children are at a higher risk and they should take every step possible to ensure that they are protected from the effects of second hand smoke.