Grants to Upgrade Technology to Green
- Green technology grants award working with, rather than against, the Earth.Wind Farm image by mexpix from
In the wake of the 2010 BP oil spill, the need to wean the United States away from fossil fuels, and toward a more sustainable lifestyle, is more apparent than ever. A number of grants and initiatives exist across the nation to fund upgrades to green technology for businesses, schools, nonprofit organizations, and housing authorities. - Riverside Public Utilities, of Riverside, California, funds the research, development and effective implementation of unique and innovative green technologies in business through the Energy Efficiency Technology Grant Program. The grant is given in amounts of up to $100,000, with the intention of funding each project in its entirety. Any business with an open RPU account and a proposed project in compliance with California Public Utilities Code Section 385 is eligible to apply for the Energy Efficiency Technology Grant.
Riverside Public Utilities
3025 Madison St.
Riverside, CA 92504
951-826-5485 - The Vermont Small Scale Renewable Energy Incentive Program doesn't leave much to the imagination. In April 2010, $5,275,000 in funds was made available to the project, which awards grants for the implementation of solar electricity, solar water heating, small wind, and micro-hydro energy systems for businesses, schools, hospitals, housing authorities and other institutions in the state. The project funds prospective and retroactive installations, provided past installations began on or after the project's start date of Sept. 1, 2006. The maximum allowance for fully funded projects is $8,750.
Vermont Department of Public Service
112 State St., Drawer 20
Montpelier, VT 05620
802-828-2811 - Through the Low Income and Energy Efficiency Fund, the Michigan state government funds energy efficiency programs. The program allocates 75 percent of its budget to providing energy-, and thereby money-, saving initiatives for low-income residents. The remaining 25 percent of the budget funds energy efficiency programs for all classes. Suggested initiatives include Smart Grid Energy Storage and Offshore Wind Technology projects for private, public and nonprofit organizations. The initiative began in 2001 as part of the Customer Choice and Electricity Reliability Act.
Michigan Public Service Commission
6545 Mercantile Way, Suite 7
Lansing, MI 48911
517-241-6180 - The city of San José, California, awards Go Green Grants to K-12 public and private schools for in-school recycling programs, and environmental action and educational initiatives. Environmental action initiatives include, but are not limited to, green technology programs and upgrades. The end goal of the program is to foster a generation of students mindful of the environment that will go on to improve environmental conditions and sustainable living practices in the United States. Grants are awarded in amounts of $500 to $5,000.
San José City Hall
200 E. Santa Clara St., 10th Floor
San José, CA 95113
Riverside Public Utilities
Vermont Small Scale Renewable Energy Incentive Program
Low Income and Energy Efficient Fund
Go Green Schools