Nasty Pick Up Lines - Dirty Lines to Turn Her On
There are many different pickup lines you can use on girls to attract them.
However, using a nasty pick up line is the best idea you can have if you want to pick up a girl and turn her on at the same time.
So before going any further, just a quick warning: sometimes you will find that by using a nasty chat up line, you will turn girls off.
This is par for the course.
These nasty lines have a polarising effect.
Girls will either love you or hate pretty much straight away, so be aware that you are going to get both rejected and accepted when using these lines.
So, what exactly should you say to a girl when chatting her up to turn her on? Here's a simple formula to use when coming up with your own nasty pick up lines: You need to be funny, a little dirty and you need to be engaging (the most important part).
Saying something that's just plain dirty like, "Hey baby, nice buns" is not good because it will not engage the girl you say it to.
On the other hand, you may say something like, "Is it rude to say you have nice buns?" This is far better, as it is a question and is asking for a response from the girl.
The following are examples of lines you can use on girls that combine all three aspects: being a little dirty, being funny and being engaging.
"Hey there, you can't look that hot and not be talking to me!" (make sure to smile so she knows you aren't serious) "I'm with the 'hot stuff' police! We have a warrant for your arrest.
I'm going to have to ask you a few questions..
Name? Date of Birth? Measurements?" "You must be a parking ticket because you've got 'fine' written all over you!" (again make sure you are smiling when you say this) "I decided to only talk to hot chicks tonight.
Hi, I'm [your name]" "What do you say me and you make the beast with 2 backs?"
However, using a nasty pick up line is the best idea you can have if you want to pick up a girl and turn her on at the same time.
So before going any further, just a quick warning: sometimes you will find that by using a nasty chat up line, you will turn girls off.
This is par for the course.
These nasty lines have a polarising effect.
Girls will either love you or hate pretty much straight away, so be aware that you are going to get both rejected and accepted when using these lines.
So, what exactly should you say to a girl when chatting her up to turn her on? Here's a simple formula to use when coming up with your own nasty pick up lines: You need to be funny, a little dirty and you need to be engaging (the most important part).
Saying something that's just plain dirty like, "Hey baby, nice buns" is not good because it will not engage the girl you say it to.
On the other hand, you may say something like, "Is it rude to say you have nice buns?" This is far better, as it is a question and is asking for a response from the girl.
The following are examples of lines you can use on girls that combine all three aspects: being a little dirty, being funny and being engaging.
"Hey there, you can't look that hot and not be talking to me!" (make sure to smile so she knows you aren't serious) "I'm with the 'hot stuff' police! We have a warrant for your arrest.
I'm going to have to ask you a few questions..
Name? Date of Birth? Measurements?" "You must be a parking ticket because you've got 'fine' written all over you!" (again make sure you are smiling when you say this) "I decided to only talk to hot chicks tonight.
Hi, I'm [your name]" "What do you say me and you make the beast with 2 backs?"