How to Add or Change Search Engines in Windows Vista
- 1). Press the "Windows" button on your keyboard, plus the letter "R." Alternatively, access the "Start" menu and type "gpedit.msc." Click "Okay" and a "Local Group Policy Editor" box will open.
- 2). Access the "Configuration Administration," then "Templates," "Windows Component." Click "Search."
- 3). Double-click on the "Custom Internet search provider," which will open a dialog box. Click the "Enable" button.
- 4). Type "Search Google" or any other search engine you would like to use in the top field (there are two fields total) requesting your search provider.
- 5). Type in the search URL in the second box. For example, Google would be Q=%W. Click "Okay" and close your local group policy editor. Press the "Start" button and type "cmd.exe." Click"Okay" and type "gpupdate4/force" and press "Enter." You will receive a message that the changes were successful.
- 6). Access your "Start" menu and begin typing content you would like your search engine to search. A search box will open through your Internet browser.