What is SEO and how can it effect your website?
search engine optimisation has become a major part of any website. As the internet has continued to grow at an amazing rate since it's birth more than 20 years ago. The number of websites and therefore competitors on the Internet are in their billions. This makes finding exactly what you want very tricky. The shear volume of results that search engines produce can cause a needle in the haystack effect. To make sure that people can find your website you will need to appear at the top of the results for the key term that the user searched for. To do that you need to use search engine optimisation.
It is no longer sufficient to have a great looking website. Now it has to be optimised for the search engines, otherwise it will be buried in the heap by millions of other sites and that's bad news for your business.
Although for some sites, especially those created before the search engine revolution, a small amount of tinkering just won't quite cut it. Your site needs to give a great first impression to potential customers as otherwise they may just carrying on searching! If your current site isn't up to scratch then starting again may well be the best answer. That way we can make sure your site is built from the ground up with search engines in mind. This can greatly reduce your marketing spend in the long run as you will no longer need to run pay-per-click campaigns or send out paper based marketing.