Why Natural Breast Cancer Treatment is Best For Your Body
There is currently a raging debate about whether conventional or natural treatments are best for fighting your breast cancer.
Those on the conventional side will say that cancer cannot be cured, only managed, and that natural treatments have not been backed up scientifically.
Those on the natural side will say that conventional treatments are barbaric and usually do more harm than good.
I am a proponent of the natural way of doing things.
I believe that your body has developed breast cancer because of imbalances internally and if you can correct those imbalances, you can eliminate the cancer entirely.
Cutting off body parts and pumping highly toxic chemicals into your body is not the way to restore someone's health.
When you really sit down and think about it for a moment it's insane.
Natural breast cancer treatment is best for your body because it doesn't destroy healthy cells along with the cancer cells.
There are countless remedies found in nature that will attack your cancer cells similar to chemo, but without the harmful side effects.
Natural treatments work to bring your body back to the state it was in before you developed breast cancer.
The reason...
the main reason that doctors and those in the medical community do not recommend natural breast cancer treatments are because they are found freely in nature and cannot be patented.
make no mistake about it, cancer management is a multi-billion dollar industry.
If they could patent these natural herbs and roots and plants and call them drugs, don't you think they would do so? Why would they continue to push you toward such horrible so called treatments that have such lacklustre results if it weren't because of money? Luckily, you have a mind and you are free to choose what types of treatments will be used for your breast cancer.
Stay calm, get educated, and do what's best for you.
You'll be cancer free in no time!
Those on the conventional side will say that cancer cannot be cured, only managed, and that natural treatments have not been backed up scientifically.
Those on the natural side will say that conventional treatments are barbaric and usually do more harm than good.
I am a proponent of the natural way of doing things.
I believe that your body has developed breast cancer because of imbalances internally and if you can correct those imbalances, you can eliminate the cancer entirely.
Cutting off body parts and pumping highly toxic chemicals into your body is not the way to restore someone's health.
When you really sit down and think about it for a moment it's insane.
Natural breast cancer treatment is best for your body because it doesn't destroy healthy cells along with the cancer cells.
There are countless remedies found in nature that will attack your cancer cells similar to chemo, but without the harmful side effects.
Natural treatments work to bring your body back to the state it was in before you developed breast cancer.
The reason...
the main reason that doctors and those in the medical community do not recommend natural breast cancer treatments are because they are found freely in nature and cannot be patented.
make no mistake about it, cancer management is a multi-billion dollar industry.
If they could patent these natural herbs and roots and plants and call them drugs, don't you think they would do so? Why would they continue to push you toward such horrible so called treatments that have such lacklustre results if it weren't because of money? Luckily, you have a mind and you are free to choose what types of treatments will be used for your breast cancer.
Stay calm, get educated, and do what's best for you.
You'll be cancer free in no time!