How to Upload to Online Storage
- 1). Open your Web browser. Navigate to the ADrive home page.
- 2). Click the "Sign Up" tab. In the "Please Select your Plan" drop-down box, click "Basic - Free." Complete the application form with your personal information.
- 3). Open your email in-box. Open your "Welcome to ADrive" email. Follow the confirmation link.
- 4). Enter your email and password. Click "Sign in." Enter the number you see in the human verification box. Click "Verify User." On the left-hand side of your "Tools" window, click "Upload Files/Directories."
- 5). Click "Add" and select the file you wish to upload to online storage. Click "Upload." These files can only be accessed by you, or someone with your ADrive account password.
- 1). Open your Web browser. Navigate to the "StoreWith" website.
- 2). Click "Choose File." in the "Quick File Upload" box. In the browser window, select the file you wish to upload to online storage.
- 3). Click the "Upload" button. Copy the "Download Link." This will allow you to download your file from online storage. These files can only be accessed by you, or someone with your StoreWith account password.
- 1). Open your Web browser. Navigate to the Mediafire website.
- 2). Click "Sign Up" in the top left of the website. Complete the form with your personal information. Click "Create Account & Continue."
- 3). Open your email inbox. Open the email from Mediafire. Follow the account confirmation link.
- 4). Click "My Files." Click the "Upload Files" button. Click on "Click Here to Upload" and select the files you wish to upload. Click "Begin Uploading Files." Your files will be uploaded to online storage. If you want your files to be private and only accessible by you, highlight the file and click "Make Private." Otherwise, your file will be publicly accessible.