Losing Weight Fast - What Works
It is a fact that most people are afraid of hard work when it comes to weight loss.
It is also a fact that many are afraid of their weight.
Are you one of these people? Are you looking for a quick fix? Remember that although drastic measures such as surgery is advised for certain medical condition and for people who are too large to have another option, there is no better way than the hard way.
On the other hand, research suggests that while you may lose weight without exercising, you won't maintain your loss unless you get moving.
Weight loss winners - male and female alike - became "enthusiastic exercisers" to maintain their losses and how much do they do exercise? The overwhelming majority exercised at least three times a week.
Diets and Pills While the briskly growing $9-billion-a-year dietary supplement industry has gone mainstream in recent years, moving beyond health-food stores to fill shelves at nearly every supermarket and drugstore, questions about what really works still abound.
Even studies making headlines often raise more questions than they answer.
There is indeed plenty of good news about the health benefits of dietary supplements.
Some of the market pills do work, some fad diets work, but to the extent that you only have a good state of mind for a while.
Additionally, no single pill is going to perform miracles.
You've still got to eat right, cut out smoking and excessive drinking, find ways to keep stress low and get some regular exercise.
What Kind of Exercise Works Best? Aerobic exercises like bicycling or swimming burn fat fastest.
But exercises that build muscle, like weight-lifting, stoke your metabolic furnace so you burn calories even while you're sleep.
Exercises like abdominal curls and sit-ups, won't help you lose weight around the middle.
They will, however, strengthen stomach muscles - and that translates into a tummy that is likely to poke forward.
The key focal point is that if you want to lose weight you need a lifestyle overhaul, from the diet to the exercise and the works.
Don't look for a quick fix.
It is also a fact that many are afraid of their weight.
Are you one of these people? Are you looking for a quick fix? Remember that although drastic measures such as surgery is advised for certain medical condition and for people who are too large to have another option, there is no better way than the hard way.
On the other hand, research suggests that while you may lose weight without exercising, you won't maintain your loss unless you get moving.
Weight loss winners - male and female alike - became "enthusiastic exercisers" to maintain their losses and how much do they do exercise? The overwhelming majority exercised at least three times a week.
Diets and Pills While the briskly growing $9-billion-a-year dietary supplement industry has gone mainstream in recent years, moving beyond health-food stores to fill shelves at nearly every supermarket and drugstore, questions about what really works still abound.
Even studies making headlines often raise more questions than they answer.
There is indeed plenty of good news about the health benefits of dietary supplements.
Some of the market pills do work, some fad diets work, but to the extent that you only have a good state of mind for a while.
Additionally, no single pill is going to perform miracles.
You've still got to eat right, cut out smoking and excessive drinking, find ways to keep stress low and get some regular exercise.
What Kind of Exercise Works Best? Aerobic exercises like bicycling or swimming burn fat fastest.
But exercises that build muscle, like weight-lifting, stoke your metabolic furnace so you burn calories even while you're sleep.
Exercises like abdominal curls and sit-ups, won't help you lose weight around the middle.
They will, however, strengthen stomach muscles - and that translates into a tummy that is likely to poke forward.
The key focal point is that if you want to lose weight you need a lifestyle overhaul, from the diet to the exercise and the works.
Don't look for a quick fix.