Hypnosis to Lose Weight - How to Lose Belly Fat
Can We Target Specific Body Parts For Fat Loss? It is hard to just target one area of your body for weight loss.
And the prevailing "experts" will tell you that you can't target fat loss in specific areas of your body.
But this isn't the whole answer and the truth is that you can shape your body the way that you want.
You can use hypnosis to lose weight and to target belly shapeliness.
First Lose The Fat When you take fat away from your body, you will lose the fat all over.
You will have no control over where you lose the fat.
So go ahead and lose all the excess fat you have and get your body down to a good fat percentage.
There are healthy weight calculators and body fat calculators to help you assess your body fat percentage.
There are specific ranges for you to be in depending upon whether you are male or female, and if you are an athlete or not.
General Body Fat Guidelines Here are the general body fat guidelines: There is a minimal level of fat that you require for normal body function.
They are called essential fat levels and for women that range is from 10-12% and for men that range is from 2-4%.
There is a large difference between the sexes because of the different needs of women over men for child bearing and for hormone functions.
Athletes body fat range for women is 14-20% and for men it is 6-13%.
If you are not an athlete you want to target your body fat levels into a 21-24% range for women and a 14-17% range for men, for a good level of fitness.
Now Lose The Fat It's time to follow whatever eating program you choose to take off your excess fat.
It's not time to start targeting fat loss in any particular part of your body, like your belly, abdomen, or hips.
Just take off as much fat from your body as you can to bring your body fat percentage down into at least the fitness range for your gender.
After you have achieved the fat percentage that you want, then you can target the areas of your body that you want to focus on.
Target Your Belly Fat Now it's time to address your belly fat.
Since the fat is at a level that is healthy for you we don't need to lose fat from any particular part of our body, we just need to develop strength and fitness to those specific areas we have targeted.
We want to build up with muscle in the belly.
Muscle is much more attractive than fat, so you will be able to shape your body just the way that you want.
This is easily accomplished with weight bearing exercises that are specific for the muscles in your belly, thighs, or wherever you have determined you want to target more shapeliness.
Using Self Hypnosis To Lose Your Belly Fat Using self hypnosis, you can then use visualization techniques to instruct your subconscious mind as to where you would like to build muscle and shape.
This is in addition to working out with weights to target those parts of your body you feel will benefit from the extra shape.
Visualization techniques have been shown to be extremely effective in workouts.
There have been injured athletes that have claimed to have built muscle doing mental rehearsal sitting in their chairs.
And the prevailing "experts" will tell you that you can't target fat loss in specific areas of your body.
But this isn't the whole answer and the truth is that you can shape your body the way that you want.
You can use hypnosis to lose weight and to target belly shapeliness.
First Lose The Fat When you take fat away from your body, you will lose the fat all over.
You will have no control over where you lose the fat.
So go ahead and lose all the excess fat you have and get your body down to a good fat percentage.
There are healthy weight calculators and body fat calculators to help you assess your body fat percentage.
There are specific ranges for you to be in depending upon whether you are male or female, and if you are an athlete or not.
General Body Fat Guidelines Here are the general body fat guidelines: There is a minimal level of fat that you require for normal body function.
They are called essential fat levels and for women that range is from 10-12% and for men that range is from 2-4%.
There is a large difference between the sexes because of the different needs of women over men for child bearing and for hormone functions.
Athletes body fat range for women is 14-20% and for men it is 6-13%.
If you are not an athlete you want to target your body fat levels into a 21-24% range for women and a 14-17% range for men, for a good level of fitness.
Now Lose The Fat It's time to follow whatever eating program you choose to take off your excess fat.
It's not time to start targeting fat loss in any particular part of your body, like your belly, abdomen, or hips.
Just take off as much fat from your body as you can to bring your body fat percentage down into at least the fitness range for your gender.
After you have achieved the fat percentage that you want, then you can target the areas of your body that you want to focus on.
Target Your Belly Fat Now it's time to address your belly fat.
Since the fat is at a level that is healthy for you we don't need to lose fat from any particular part of our body, we just need to develop strength and fitness to those specific areas we have targeted.
We want to build up with muscle in the belly.
Muscle is much more attractive than fat, so you will be able to shape your body just the way that you want.
This is easily accomplished with weight bearing exercises that are specific for the muscles in your belly, thighs, or wherever you have determined you want to target more shapeliness.
Using Self Hypnosis To Lose Your Belly Fat Using self hypnosis, you can then use visualization techniques to instruct your subconscious mind as to where you would like to build muscle and shape.
This is in addition to working out with weights to target those parts of your body you feel will benefit from the extra shape.
Visualization techniques have been shown to be extremely effective in workouts.
There have been injured athletes that have claimed to have built muscle doing mental rehearsal sitting in their chairs.