How to Export Voicemails From an iPhone
- 1). Download the Audacity software to your computer. It's a free program. (There's a link listed in the Resources section.) The download process may take a minute or two to complete.
- 2). Connect your iPhone to your computer using a 3.5mm audio extension cable. Plug one end into the headphone jack of the iPhone and the other end into your computer's microphone jack. You can purchase this cable online or at any electronics store.
- 3). Open the Audacity software and press the red "Record" button.
- 4). Open your voicemail box on your iPhone to access your voicemail messages. Start playing the messages you want to export. Once the messages start playing, you should see the sound waves move up and down on the Audacity program.
- 5). Press the "Stop" button on Audacity to stop recording.
- 6). Unplug the iPhone from your computer and press the "Play" button in Audacity to play back the message.
- 7). Click "File" and then "Save" in Audacity to save the voicemails to your hard drive.