Boost Your Metabolism Naturally To Burn More Fat
In a moment I am going to take you through 5 simple steps that will help you boost your metabolism naturally and safely without the need for any potentially harmful or dangerous pills or supplements.
Before we work through those steps I want to first talk about what metabolism is and why boosting our metabolism is so important if we want to lose weight.
So, what is "metabolism"? Put simply, your body's metabolism is a measurement of how much energy is burned to enable you to carry out everyday functions, including eating, sleeping, breathing and exercising.
Everybody's metabolism is different, some people are born lucky and have a naturally high metabolism which seemingly enables them to eat whatever they want without putting on any weight at all, whereas others, myself included, have a slow metabolism and will put a couple of pounds on just by sneaking a wanton peak at a cream cake.
Assuming we consume the same amount of energy, in the form of calories ingested, as our metabolism burns during the day, then our weight will remain static.
If our metabolism is lower than the calories consumed we will have an excess and, unfortunately, this is stored as fat.
If we have a higher metabolism than the calories consumed then we will call on our body's reserves of energy (fat) to make up the difference.
This is why it is important to boost your metabolism.
You may, quite rightly, wonder why you can't just reduce the amount of calories you consume to create this shortfall between energy in and energy out.
Unfortunately, the body has a survival mechanism and when it senses that there are fewer calories coming in than it is using it will naturally slow your metabolism down to ensure you don't use up all your energy.
It's a cruel world isn't it? We now know that reducing calories below your normal metabolic rate is not going to help you achieve your goal of losing weight and burning fat.
So let's know look at ways that you can boost your metabolism.
Eat More Frequently - You may have seen this advice before, but do you know why this is so important? The body uses up energy to digest food, assimilate all the nutrients, and then discard the waste.
The amount of energy used will differ from person to person and, in itself, doesn't matter.
What does matter though is if you go from eating 3 meals a day to 6 meals a day your body has immediately doubled its energy requirements for that one function.
You can eat the same amount of calories; just spread them out over 6 smaller meals.
Eat Breakfast - A lot of people skip breakfast and this is a really bad idea if boosting your metabolism is your goal.
Have you ever thought about that word and what it means? The first meal in the morning is breaking the fast that you have been on since you last ate something the day before.
If you last ate at 9 O'clock in the evening, skipped breakfast and didn't eat until lunchtime, then your body has gone without food for roughly 15 hours.
That is insane! Your metabolism naturally slows down during the night, and what you want to do is get it revved up again.
Eating breakfast begins the process of digestion which, as we learned above, burns energy.
Exercise First Thing In The Morning - by exercising you are calling on the body to provide energy over and above its normal daily requirements and as long as you maintain the same calorie intake you will lose weight.
The reason for exercising first thing, before you have had breakfast, is that the body cannot call on energy supplied by food, as you haven't eaten any yet, so it needs to call on its energy reserves, otherwise known as fat, to supply its requirements.
Develop Some Muscle - I know there are a lot of ladies reading this that will have recoiled in horror at the thought of putting on some muscle for the fear of ending up looking "manly".
I'll have to be blunt here and just tell you that you need to get over that.
There are hundreds of blokes training day in, day out at gyms across the world wishing it was that easy to bulk up.
Unless you're taking specific performance enhancing supplements and training at an extremely high intensity level, you will not bulk up.
The reason for adding muscle is because having a pound of muscle on your body will burn more calories than having a pound of fat.
It also takes up less space because it is denser, so you would weigh the same but look thinner.
Drink Plenty Of Water - Not only does water help keep your body hydrated it also assists and promotes the body's cleansing operations.
It helps in the digestion of foods and the elimination of toxins and waste matter.
As I mentioned in step 1, the more times the body performs bodily routines, the more energy you will burn.
Use these steps to boost your metabolism naturally, stay away from supplements that generally don't work, and you will have a healthier, leaner body.
Before we work through those steps I want to first talk about what metabolism is and why boosting our metabolism is so important if we want to lose weight.
So, what is "metabolism"? Put simply, your body's metabolism is a measurement of how much energy is burned to enable you to carry out everyday functions, including eating, sleeping, breathing and exercising.
Everybody's metabolism is different, some people are born lucky and have a naturally high metabolism which seemingly enables them to eat whatever they want without putting on any weight at all, whereas others, myself included, have a slow metabolism and will put a couple of pounds on just by sneaking a wanton peak at a cream cake.
Assuming we consume the same amount of energy, in the form of calories ingested, as our metabolism burns during the day, then our weight will remain static.
If our metabolism is lower than the calories consumed we will have an excess and, unfortunately, this is stored as fat.
If we have a higher metabolism than the calories consumed then we will call on our body's reserves of energy (fat) to make up the difference.
This is why it is important to boost your metabolism.
You may, quite rightly, wonder why you can't just reduce the amount of calories you consume to create this shortfall between energy in and energy out.
Unfortunately, the body has a survival mechanism and when it senses that there are fewer calories coming in than it is using it will naturally slow your metabolism down to ensure you don't use up all your energy.
It's a cruel world isn't it? We now know that reducing calories below your normal metabolic rate is not going to help you achieve your goal of losing weight and burning fat.
So let's know look at ways that you can boost your metabolism.
Eat More Frequently - You may have seen this advice before, but do you know why this is so important? The body uses up energy to digest food, assimilate all the nutrients, and then discard the waste.
The amount of energy used will differ from person to person and, in itself, doesn't matter.
What does matter though is if you go from eating 3 meals a day to 6 meals a day your body has immediately doubled its energy requirements for that one function.
You can eat the same amount of calories; just spread them out over 6 smaller meals.
Eat Breakfast - A lot of people skip breakfast and this is a really bad idea if boosting your metabolism is your goal.
Have you ever thought about that word and what it means? The first meal in the morning is breaking the fast that you have been on since you last ate something the day before.
If you last ate at 9 O'clock in the evening, skipped breakfast and didn't eat until lunchtime, then your body has gone without food for roughly 15 hours.
That is insane! Your metabolism naturally slows down during the night, and what you want to do is get it revved up again.
Eating breakfast begins the process of digestion which, as we learned above, burns energy.
Exercise First Thing In The Morning - by exercising you are calling on the body to provide energy over and above its normal daily requirements and as long as you maintain the same calorie intake you will lose weight.
The reason for exercising first thing, before you have had breakfast, is that the body cannot call on energy supplied by food, as you haven't eaten any yet, so it needs to call on its energy reserves, otherwise known as fat, to supply its requirements.
Develop Some Muscle - I know there are a lot of ladies reading this that will have recoiled in horror at the thought of putting on some muscle for the fear of ending up looking "manly".
I'll have to be blunt here and just tell you that you need to get over that.
There are hundreds of blokes training day in, day out at gyms across the world wishing it was that easy to bulk up.
Unless you're taking specific performance enhancing supplements and training at an extremely high intensity level, you will not bulk up.
The reason for adding muscle is because having a pound of muscle on your body will burn more calories than having a pound of fat.
It also takes up less space because it is denser, so you would weigh the same but look thinner.
Drink Plenty Of Water - Not only does water help keep your body hydrated it also assists and promotes the body's cleansing operations.
It helps in the digestion of foods and the elimination of toxins and waste matter.
As I mentioned in step 1, the more times the body performs bodily routines, the more energy you will burn.
Use these steps to boost your metabolism naturally, stay away from supplements that generally don't work, and you will have a healthier, leaner body.