Credit Debt Relief - Beware Of Credit Card Debt Services
In principle this is a good thing, because people who had nowhere to turn before when their debt got out of hand, now can find solutions.
But the downside is the number of shady companies and operators who have also sprung up and who are out to take advantage of vulnerable people desperate for help.
Many offer credit card debt settlement, or debt management or consolidation, and promise you that you will only have to pay perhaps 50% of your debt.
They will take as much money upfront as they can from you - and you will never see them again! So beware, especially if you are in a panic.
Avoid Acting Out Of Panic When your financial circumstances are dire, the worst thing you can do is act out of fear.
When panic takes over, you override your gut instinct, and make decisions which will land you in more trouble.
In this situation you cannot afford to do that.
It is really important to understand that no matter how bad things seem for you, there is a solution which will not hurt you in any way.
You do not have to settle for one which you do not actually feel comfortable with.
Trust your instincts! If you decide you want to work with a company that offers credit debt relief, take as much time as you need to do in-depth research about them.
If you feel uncomfortable about something, ask more questions, and demand straightforward answers.
Pay Attention To The Warning Signs There are some warning signs which will alert you to the fact that you're dealing with a scam artist.
If somebody is unwilling to be straightforward with you, you have to ask yourself - and them - why? When the consultant you are dealing with works on your fear of what could happen to you if you do not settle your debt, walk away.
A legitimate company will not try to manipulate you, because they do not need to.
They already have good business.
If a consultant tries to put pressure on you over the phone or online to make a quick down payment because of a special their company has, put the phone down! It is a very old and jaded trick.
You do not want to deal with companies or individuals who deal in "specials" or who try to force you to make a quick, impulsive decision.
You want a company which has established good business practices in credit debt relief over time; a company which cares about its own reputation, and which employs consultants who behave ethically.
These are the companies that will provide the kind of solutions you are really looking for, and truly deserve.
It is up to you to protect yourself.
Use the internet to research companies providing credit card debt services before you give them your business.