Article Marketing - It"s Death is in the Future!
An unexpected roadblock has surfaced which threatens the future of article marketing as a viable channel to funnel traffic to websites.
In the past it has been the marketing method of choice for tens-of-thousands of writers and online marketers as far as getting exposure to their sites and blogs.
And then, almost overnight...
My title must have grabbed your attention.
Maybe it was the introductory paragraph that clicked and stuck enticing you to read more.
In any event, my initial words must have pulled you in.
Sorry to inform you but article marketing is alive and thriving.
It is the method of choice for wise online marketers.
In exchange for producing informative articles the author gets exposure by including a link or two in their resource box at the end.
It's a fair and profitable vehicle for all.
But as much quality content an author pours into an article, the fact is that without a powerful headline and opening summary of the article, readership will likely be low.
Like using any other marketing platform the visitor, viewer, or prospective user must be pulled in within the first few seconds or all is lost.
Wise article marketers understand this.
Your opening words are what make or break the exposure your article gets.
There is an analogy in television that might be useful.
Twenty years ago, most made for television movies and drama shows opened with a title, some captions mentioning the stars, and some credits and thanks for people involved.
They would cut for their first commercial immediately to get the cash flowing in.
But look at extremely popular programs drama and news/talk programs on television.
The program begins--bang--you are immediately involved in the plot.
The program runs several minutes before the title graphic come up.
This can run for 6-7 minutes before you get the intro graphic and list of stars.
Hollywood knows the importance of pulling the viewer in first, and not distracting them in with titles, graphics, or names of the stars or hosts.
Pull the viewers in firs, involve them, and then get to the business end of the program.
The same is true with high quality articles.
Before you start teaching the reader, instructing them, giving them valuable information--you must pull them in with a strong title and opening paragraph.
Doing this well will get the author more reads and more exposure.
In the past it has been the marketing method of choice for tens-of-thousands of writers and online marketers as far as getting exposure to their sites and blogs.
And then, almost overnight...
My title must have grabbed your attention.
Maybe it was the introductory paragraph that clicked and stuck enticing you to read more.
In any event, my initial words must have pulled you in.
Sorry to inform you but article marketing is alive and thriving.
It is the method of choice for wise online marketers.
In exchange for producing informative articles the author gets exposure by including a link or two in their resource box at the end.
It's a fair and profitable vehicle for all.
But as much quality content an author pours into an article, the fact is that without a powerful headline and opening summary of the article, readership will likely be low.
Like using any other marketing platform the visitor, viewer, or prospective user must be pulled in within the first few seconds or all is lost.
Wise article marketers understand this.
Your opening words are what make or break the exposure your article gets.
There is an analogy in television that might be useful.
Twenty years ago, most made for television movies and drama shows opened with a title, some captions mentioning the stars, and some credits and thanks for people involved.
They would cut for their first commercial immediately to get the cash flowing in.
But look at extremely popular programs drama and news/talk programs on television.
The program begins--bang--you are immediately involved in the plot.
The program runs several minutes before the title graphic come up.
This can run for 6-7 minutes before you get the intro graphic and list of stars.
Hollywood knows the importance of pulling the viewer in first, and not distracting them in with titles, graphics, or names of the stars or hosts.
Pull the viewers in firs, involve them, and then get to the business end of the program.
The same is true with high quality articles.
Before you start teaching the reader, instructing them, giving them valuable information--you must pull them in with a strong title and opening paragraph.
Doing this well will get the author more reads and more exposure.