Landscaping Adds Value to Your Property
Landscaping For Beauty And The Environment Landscaping covers the 'whole' look of a site - including ecology, environment plus the plants, and drills down to more than the plants you want in your back yard, front yard or other areas.
It is about planning and also about your favorite trees, shrubs and flowers.
Your design should be able to incorporate what you like, not just what a designer thinks is best.
A Value Adding Benefit No matter what size your house or the yard is, landscaping your home, adds real monetary value to your property, as well as giving you a place to relax and enjoy nature as it grows around you.
Anyone can landscape a garden - there is enough information on the internet to give you ideas and designs - from the simple to the complex - for small courtyards to large backyards with decking.
However, if time or inexperience deters you, you can consider hiring a landscape architect.
These suggestions are basically for temperate zones, but with some adaptation, you can use the ideas for colder regions or semi tropical areas.
Your budget 2.
Size of the area 3.
Position of the sun 4.
What plants you like 5.
Soil conditions - clay, sandy or loamy; pH level (acidic or alkaline) 6.
Suitability of the plants for the position (sun, shade, wind, sea air) 7.
Maintenance requirements - some plants are relatively maintenance free 8.
Water consumption - being water-wise in arid areas or where water costs are high A Rule Of Thumb It is better to have a $5 hole and a 50 cent plant than a 50 cent hole and a $5 plant.
Basically, this means that soil and planting preparation is the most important part of your gardening.
A well mulched and fertilized hole for a new plant gives it a greater chance of survival and thriving than just digging a hole and shoving a plant into the ground.
Landscaping a garden is not a quick or simple task; make sure you do your research before rushing in and buying plants, turf, or a harder surface like decking or paving.
It is about planning and also about your favorite trees, shrubs and flowers.
Your design should be able to incorporate what you like, not just what a designer thinks is best.
A Value Adding Benefit No matter what size your house or the yard is, landscaping your home, adds real monetary value to your property, as well as giving you a place to relax and enjoy nature as it grows around you.
Anyone can landscape a garden - there is enough information on the internet to give you ideas and designs - from the simple to the complex - for small courtyards to large backyards with decking.
However, if time or inexperience deters you, you can consider hiring a landscape architect.
These suggestions are basically for temperate zones, but with some adaptation, you can use the ideas for colder regions or semi tropical areas.
- The front yard is the entrance to your home and also the first visible aspect of the house which passersby - the public see.
- The back yard, on the other hand, is your private area and can reflect whatever suits your lifestyle and preferences.
- So how do you want the public to see your house? The garden here doesn't have to be excessively formal, but some style of order does work to provide an enhancement of the house and the approach to it.
- Balance: any landscape design should have balance and harmony - it should be a place where you can enjoy to sit in and relax - where you can enjoy working in.
It should not be just having plants put in to cover the ground without thought out reason. - The purpose of your garden - play area, entertainment, reflection and quiet
- Take into account the availability of water, safety (ponds and little kids!), the ecology of the area (e.
what sustains the local natural fauna like frogs and birds)
Your budget 2.
Size of the area 3.
Position of the sun 4.
What plants you like 5.
Soil conditions - clay, sandy or loamy; pH level (acidic or alkaline) 6.
Suitability of the plants for the position (sun, shade, wind, sea air) 7.
Maintenance requirements - some plants are relatively maintenance free 8.
Water consumption - being water-wise in arid areas or where water costs are high A Rule Of Thumb It is better to have a $5 hole and a 50 cent plant than a 50 cent hole and a $5 plant.
Basically, this means that soil and planting preparation is the most important part of your gardening.
A well mulched and fertilized hole for a new plant gives it a greater chance of survival and thriving than just digging a hole and shoving a plant into the ground.
Landscaping a garden is not a quick or simple task; make sure you do your research before rushing in and buying plants, turf, or a harder surface like decking or paving.