Tactics for Dealing With Organizational Politics
- Setting macro goals is a critical step in achieving political victories. Important to the macro goal process is setting actionable -- or micro -- goals which give organizational leaders and followers incremental benchmarks for which to strive. Successful actionable goals, in particular, provide a group of organizers with a series of minor victories that boosts the enthusiasm of participants and increases the strength of the organization -- and its mission -- as a whole. Stating a desire to make your neighborhood safe, for example, is a macro goal, while working to get your city government to repair a series of dangerous pot holes is an actionable goal.
- Diversion is the tactic of taking a conversation in one direction or another to remove a political opponent's attention from a stated issue. While sometimes categorized as a negative tactic and considered to be a tool of avoidance, it is actually possible to use diversion in a positive manner within organizational politics. For example, a press secretary may employ diversion in a pro-active manner to directly control the flow of a political message. If an opponent wants to focus on a flaw of your organization, instruct the press secretary to divert the conversation to positive achievements your organization has achieved.
- Passion is an essential tactic used in successful organizational politics. Whether you are working towards goals in a private workplace or in a governmental election, generating empathy within supporters gives them the energy and willingness to want to work hard for a shared or common cause. Using passionate and heartfelt rhetoric which speaks directly to the wants and needs of supporters, or displays evidence of real examples where a candidate's experience relates to the supporters, solidifies a shared vision around which your organization can build and grow.
- Time-pressure keeps your organization running smoothly and efficiently. Hosting a phone bank, for example, can work wonders for a political goal. Because of the standard nine-to-five work week, calling people on weekends or in the evening is a wise way to manage time effectively and successfully. Additionally, always stressing the need to "act now" -- and providing one or two substantial reasons that that immediate action is necessary -- encourages supporters and potential supporters to work as hard as they can, at all times, while your campaign is in progress.
Passion and Empathy