8 Health Mistakes Women Make Unconsciously
Is your doctor giving you a really good breast test? Are you noting changes in your menstrual flow seriously enough? You're no slouch at taking care of your body, yet many seemingly logical claims that you may regard as gynecological facts can either worry you unnecessarily or induce you to make big health mistakes.
So it's time to set the records straight.
Discover all possible gynecological slipups and the facts you need to know.
Health mistake #1: Putting full faith in your gynae's breast examinations Visits to doctors these days tend to be drive-through fast, it's important to ensure your doctor is checking you properly.
Here's how your exam should go: a.
Observation of your breasts while you're sitting up - to look for puckering of the skin, a potential sign of cancer.
Next breasts should be examined while lying on your back; arms folded behind your head -this enables ease of getting to area around your underarms and ensures that breast tissue is evenly spread out, so you receive the most thorough examination.
Then doctor knead your breast with her fingers, starting at your nipple and moving outward (as if your nipple were the hub of a bicycle wheel and she was feeling the spokes), using small circular motions, until she works her way around and into your underarm.
Alternatively, instead of the "bicycle-wheel method", she may press in small circles - in vertical lines from your collarbone to the "bra line" underneath your breasts.
Lastly, lightly pinch each nipple to check for discharge.
Health Mistake #2: Never question your mammogram results If you feel a lump and your doctor says the mammogram looks normal, but you're not convinced, ask for a sonogram, too.
Nearly 10,000 breast cancer sufferers experience a dangerous delay in diagnosis because doctors initially don't believe their lumps are suspicious annually.
With a mammogram and sonogram, doctors can detect if a lump is fluid-filled cyst (typically benign) or a solid mass - which may or may not be cancerous.
Sonograms are especially helpful if you're premenopausal: younger women usually have dense breast tissue, since a mammogram has a harder time "seeing" abnormalities in dense breasts, having both mammogram and sonogram is most effective.
Health Mistake #3: Cleaning too vigorously down there The vagina actually contains lots of healthy bacteria that ward off the growth of 'bad' germs, making the area naturally self-cleaning.
Using harsh soaps, powders and perfumed products can irritate the sensitive vaginal skin thus causing redness, burning and/or itchiness.
It's best to use a gentle, non-deodorant cleanser.
Health mistake #4: Tending to ignore changes in your menstrual flow Normal menstrual flow is defined as what's normal for you.
Subtle changes like the occasional period that's shorter or heavier than normal, are fine, because everything from diet to travel can have slight effects.
But if your flow is markedly different than usual - for instance, much heavier or lighter - more than one cycle - you should see your M.
This may signal anything from pregnancy to endometriosis.
Health mistake #5: Staying clear of all over-the-counter medications while you're pregnant The health authorities agree that you can take many OTC drugs during pregnancy as long as you check with your OB/GYN first.
Generally, Tylenol, antihistamines and medications for indigestion, diarrhea and other stomach troubles are fine - again, only with your doctor's permission.
Two big exceptions : ibuprofen (which can halt the development of the fetus's circulatory system) and aspirin (which can prolong baby's term and delivery, cause excessive bleeding before and after delivery).
Health mistake #6: Think you can't give your man a yeast infection and vice versa It's possible to transmit yeast infection to him during intercourse and oral sex.
More often guys who get them show no symptoms.
So if you have a chronic yeast infection that won't clear or keeps recurring, get your guy for a check-up to determine if you're cross-infecting him, in that case you should both get anti-fungal treatments.
Health mistake #7: Assuming that weight has no effect on gynecological health Being too thin can result in irregular or non-existent periods.
Having excess fatty tissue fuels estrogen production: overabundance increases chance of developing breast and uterine cancers.
Moreover, overweight women on the Pill have a higher chance of experiencing contraceptive failure, because the excess estrogen produced by fat cells can change the way the hormones in the Pill are metabolized.
Research has also shown that obese pregnant women may be twice as likely to deliver stillborn babies.
Health mistake #8: Believing that the Pill increases breast cancer risk A recent and definitive John Hopkins University study of 10,000 women found that no matter what type of birth control pills women used or how long they took them, oral contraceptives had no impact on breast cancer risk whatsoever.
So it's time to set the records straight.
Discover all possible gynecological slipups and the facts you need to know.
Health mistake #1: Putting full faith in your gynae's breast examinations Visits to doctors these days tend to be drive-through fast, it's important to ensure your doctor is checking you properly.
Here's how your exam should go: a.
Observation of your breasts while you're sitting up - to look for puckering of the skin, a potential sign of cancer.
Next breasts should be examined while lying on your back; arms folded behind your head -this enables ease of getting to area around your underarms and ensures that breast tissue is evenly spread out, so you receive the most thorough examination.
Then doctor knead your breast with her fingers, starting at your nipple and moving outward (as if your nipple were the hub of a bicycle wheel and she was feeling the spokes), using small circular motions, until she works her way around and into your underarm.
Alternatively, instead of the "bicycle-wheel method", she may press in small circles - in vertical lines from your collarbone to the "bra line" underneath your breasts.
Lastly, lightly pinch each nipple to check for discharge.
Health Mistake #2: Never question your mammogram results If you feel a lump and your doctor says the mammogram looks normal, but you're not convinced, ask for a sonogram, too.
Nearly 10,000 breast cancer sufferers experience a dangerous delay in diagnosis because doctors initially don't believe their lumps are suspicious annually.
With a mammogram and sonogram, doctors can detect if a lump is fluid-filled cyst (typically benign) or a solid mass - which may or may not be cancerous.
Sonograms are especially helpful if you're premenopausal: younger women usually have dense breast tissue, since a mammogram has a harder time "seeing" abnormalities in dense breasts, having both mammogram and sonogram is most effective.
Health Mistake #3: Cleaning too vigorously down there The vagina actually contains lots of healthy bacteria that ward off the growth of 'bad' germs, making the area naturally self-cleaning.
Using harsh soaps, powders and perfumed products can irritate the sensitive vaginal skin thus causing redness, burning and/or itchiness.
It's best to use a gentle, non-deodorant cleanser.
Health mistake #4: Tending to ignore changes in your menstrual flow Normal menstrual flow is defined as what's normal for you.
Subtle changes like the occasional period that's shorter or heavier than normal, are fine, because everything from diet to travel can have slight effects.
But if your flow is markedly different than usual - for instance, much heavier or lighter - more than one cycle - you should see your M.
This may signal anything from pregnancy to endometriosis.
Health mistake #5: Staying clear of all over-the-counter medications while you're pregnant The health authorities agree that you can take many OTC drugs during pregnancy as long as you check with your OB/GYN first.
Generally, Tylenol, antihistamines and medications for indigestion, diarrhea and other stomach troubles are fine - again, only with your doctor's permission.
Two big exceptions : ibuprofen (which can halt the development of the fetus's circulatory system) and aspirin (which can prolong baby's term and delivery, cause excessive bleeding before and after delivery).
Health mistake #6: Think you can't give your man a yeast infection and vice versa It's possible to transmit yeast infection to him during intercourse and oral sex.
More often guys who get them show no symptoms.
So if you have a chronic yeast infection that won't clear or keeps recurring, get your guy for a check-up to determine if you're cross-infecting him, in that case you should both get anti-fungal treatments.
Health mistake #7: Assuming that weight has no effect on gynecological health Being too thin can result in irregular or non-existent periods.
Having excess fatty tissue fuels estrogen production: overabundance increases chance of developing breast and uterine cancers.
Moreover, overweight women on the Pill have a higher chance of experiencing contraceptive failure, because the excess estrogen produced by fat cells can change the way the hormones in the Pill are metabolized.
Research has also shown that obese pregnant women may be twice as likely to deliver stillborn babies.
Health mistake #8: Believing that the Pill increases breast cancer risk A recent and definitive John Hopkins University study of 10,000 women found that no matter what type of birth control pills women used or how long they took them, oral contraceptives had no impact on breast cancer risk whatsoever.