Men"s Weight Loss Tactics - Acai Goes "Nuts" to Lower Cholesterol!
Good news however has just emerged from the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition which has revealed that hazelnuts, whilst despite being rich in fat, actually help lower blood cholesterol levels in men.
The small study included 30 men whose cholesterol levels were higher than average.
The first 4 weeks saw the men consume a low cholesterol, low fat, high carb diet where approximately 30 to 35% of the calories were from fat.
The following 4 weeks saw the men follow the same diet but which also included 45g of hazelnuts each day so that 35 to 40% of calories came from monounsaturated fats.
Obviously due to the added hazelnuts each day the calorie content increased, from roughly 2,044 to 2,294 - an added 251 calories.
Blood tests were obviously recorded at the start and after each 4 week period of the experiment where results surprisingly demonstrated that there were no changes in body mass index, weight or waist-to-hip ratio.
But what was even more unexpected was that HDL, or "good" cholesterol levels rose by 14% and "bad" fats dropped significantly.
So what do these results conclude? Researchers conducting the trial state that a diet high in total fat due to the inclusion of hazelnuts, which are a rich source of monounsaturates, is far more beneficial than a low fat diet in terms of lowering the probability of heart disease.
While much research has looked at nut consumption and heart disease, this is one of only a handful of nutritional studies that has looked specifically at the role nuts and berries may play in improving heart health.
Acai, voted by Mr Perricone (the U.
S celebrity dietitian) as the Number 1 Super-food for men and women also holds wonderful anti-oxidant healing and weight loss qualities.