An Ultrasound - Get the "First Peek" at the Miracle of Life Inside You
The history of the ultrasound dates back to as early as 1826 starting with the measuring of distance under water using sound wave.
Ultrasound scanners are considered to be a form of "medical" Sonar (Sound Navigation and Ranging).
These days, an ultrasound is a normal, simple and commonly used procedure used during pregnancy.
The images allow you to see the position of your baby, and the development of the bones and hard tissues.
It is truly your baby's first picture! Ultrasounds are usually performed when a pregnant woman has reached the twentieth week of gestation, as all organ systems can be detected including heart, brain, spinal cord, gastrointestinal, renal, and skeletal systems.
The ultrasound will confirm to the doctor that the placenta is healthy and attached normally and that your baby is growing properly in the uterus.
There is no radiation used, it is painless and there are no aftereffects.
The only discomfort may come from the cool gel which is applied to the area being scanned.
An ultrasound is an electronic instrument that sends out ultrasonic sound waves from an attached device called a transducer.
The waves pass freely through fluid and are reflected back to the probe once they contact a soft tissue like muscle or a dense structure like bone, resulting in an image which can be identified as the placenta, fetus, or other organs.
Checking the location of the placenta, the amount of amniotic fluid in the uterus and the general health of the baby through ultrasound helps confirm the diagnose of any birth defects of your baby, as well as its overall health.
Often times the parents-to-be are anxious to know the sex of their baby and the ultrasound pictures will confirm that as well.
This remarkable invention has allowed new parents their "first peek" at the miracle of the development of the new life they have made together.
So, make sure you frame that little "bun in the oven" picture; it's a lifetime keepsake!
Ultrasound scanners are considered to be a form of "medical" Sonar (Sound Navigation and Ranging).
These days, an ultrasound is a normal, simple and commonly used procedure used during pregnancy.
The images allow you to see the position of your baby, and the development of the bones and hard tissues.
It is truly your baby's first picture! Ultrasounds are usually performed when a pregnant woman has reached the twentieth week of gestation, as all organ systems can be detected including heart, brain, spinal cord, gastrointestinal, renal, and skeletal systems.
The ultrasound will confirm to the doctor that the placenta is healthy and attached normally and that your baby is growing properly in the uterus.
There is no radiation used, it is painless and there are no aftereffects.
The only discomfort may come from the cool gel which is applied to the area being scanned.
An ultrasound is an electronic instrument that sends out ultrasonic sound waves from an attached device called a transducer.
The waves pass freely through fluid and are reflected back to the probe once they contact a soft tissue like muscle or a dense structure like bone, resulting in an image which can be identified as the placenta, fetus, or other organs.
Checking the location of the placenta, the amount of amniotic fluid in the uterus and the general health of the baby through ultrasound helps confirm the diagnose of any birth defects of your baby, as well as its overall health.
Often times the parents-to-be are anxious to know the sex of their baby and the ultrasound pictures will confirm that as well.
This remarkable invention has allowed new parents their "first peek" at the miracle of the development of the new life they have made together.
So, make sure you frame that little "bun in the oven" picture; it's a lifetime keepsake!