Securing the Next Generation Data Centers
Hundreds of physical servers hosting thousands of virtual machines (VMs); this is what you picture when you think about the data center of a modern enterprise. Datacenters are at various levels and they use specific technologies. Local data centers use Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM), remote data centers connect over Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) and, lastly, cloud data centers link with each other over high-speed Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). These datacenters are growing bigger and expanding to meet the need for better networking topologies. With increased workload and constantly moving data over high speed links, the need for high performance and security controls is paramount.
According to a recent analysis by ACG Research, the data-center users, be it employees, partners, service providers, customers or vendors want anytime and anywhere access on the device they use. To meet the variable traffic demands, they also wish to have high capacity and scalability. Enterprises look to have such flexibility at low pricing due to tight IT budgets. Therefore selecting an appropriate technology requires strategic planning.
Finding suitable security control
There are different scaling performances and security needs for applications in datacenters. Therefore, one-size-fits-all theories don't work for all networking solutions. If your business is expanding, things can change substantially. In such a scenario, how do you decide upon a suitable security solution for your network?
Conventionally, such decisions were dependent on:
However, with changing demands for more flexibility and resilience, the solutions for next generation datacenter security have also changed and now a days have become hybrid and modular, are known as the Next-Generation Data-Centers (NGDCs). Some of the best practices include:
There are numerous advantages of in-depth security solutions to upgrade that a datacenter provides.
The one-size-fits-all theory is gradually getting nullified for all data center networking solutions. Different centers require a customized security network.
According to a recent analysis by ACG Research, the data-center users, be it employees, partners, service providers, customers or vendors want anytime and anywhere access on the device they use. To meet the variable traffic demands, they also wish to have high capacity and scalability. Enterprises look to have such flexibility at low pricing due to tight IT budgets. Therefore selecting an appropriate technology requires strategic planning.
Finding suitable security control
There are different scaling performances and security needs for applications in datacenters. Therefore, one-size-fits-all theories don't work for all networking solutions. If your business is expanding, things can change substantially. In such a scenario, how do you decide upon a suitable security solution for your network?
Conventionally, such decisions were dependent on:
- A company's past experience.
- The advice provided by their network security provider.
However, with changing demands for more flexibility and resilience, the solutions for next generation datacenter security have also changed and now a days have become hybrid and modular, are known as the Next-Generation Data-Centers (NGDCs). Some of the best practices include:
- Demarcating physical and virtual resources proactively
- Security of virtual machines
- Establishment of trust zones
- Implementation of advanced situational awareness
- Formulation of enforceable policies
There are numerous advantages of in-depth security solutions to upgrade that a datacenter provides.
- Services critical to businesses can be installed more quickly and reliably across physical, virtual and cloud environments.
- Higher availability, greater security and compliance can be beneficial for important services.
- Mid-sized to large organizations use these enabling technologies for improvements in operational efficiencies across their business units.
The one-size-fits-all theory is gradually getting nullified for all data center networking solutions. Different centers require a customized security network.